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3rd person//

"So, what're your parents like?" Yoongi asked as he tried to push the door to his room open with his hip, Jimin sensed disaster and opened the door for him. "Thanks." He put the tray of cookies, hot chocolate and everything nice that he could throw together, onto the bed and sat down beside it. Jimin followed soon after.

This was the first time that he had actually invited Jimin through his front door. Usually, the younger would just jump the little distance between the two's roofs and climb in through Yoongi's window. But today was different.

Yoongi had been feeling better, he was baking again and his mother had surprise etched on her features the whole day after Yoongi had bid her goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. She couldn't even remember the last time he ate breakfast downstairs, and now he comes strolling by like this is something completely normal?

She was secretly spying on the two boys that just went into Yoongi's room; there was something about this Jimin that she couldn't put a finger on, but it was something, and she was going to find out what.

"Yoongi?" Jimin snapped his fingers in front of Yoongi's eyes and he snapped back into reality.

"Huh?" He shook his head and looked with dazed eyes at Jimin as if someone had just pulled him out of a coma, or cold water.

"Are you listening to me?" Jimin laughed as a blush spread across Yoongi's cheeks, he bowed his head down to hide it. Yoongi had been caught off guard, he hadn't even registered that Jimin had been talking, all he noticed was Jimin and his lips moving. Yoongi had been deep in thought, he had been thinking of the last couple of days.

Jimin had gone home that night since there wasn't actually any reason for him to stay, but he had been back the next day and the day after that. For the most part, they just sat in comfortable silence as Yoongi played a game, and Jimin would leave when he felt like it, but not today.

Yesterday, Yoongi decided to change. He decided to pull himself out of the gutter and get his shit together. It was totally not because of Jimin.

"Yoongi! Oh my god, I can't believe you did it again!" Jimin laughed in disbelief and threw his hands up in the air. It was almost like watching an animated movie when Jimin talked, he was so expressional in all his movements.

"I'm so sorry, Jiminie. What did you say?" Jimin smiled softly and sighed at the older's genuinely apologetic look.

"I was just wondering what you were thinking about." He tapped Yoongi's forehead as if to check if he actually had anything in there and his smile became wider.

"What I was- I was thinking about you," Yoongi spoke way too quickly, and he didn't have time to correct himself before it was too late. Jimin's face got drained of all colour and he backed up a bit from Yoongi, his facial expression saying absolutely nothing, and Yoongi was scared that he'd said something bad until he saw the light rose colour that now covered Jimin's cheeks.

Jimin cleared his throat and laughed awkwardly, but for once Yoongi didn't feel awkward at all. "You were... you-haha, you were thinking about what?" Jimin smiled to cover the fact that his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

"You, I was thinking about you." Yoongi tilted his head to the side as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Jimin felt his heart shoot a warm, fussy feeling all throughout his body. It was as if he just swallowed the biggest mouthful of coffee ever on the coldest day of the year. "What are you thinking about?" Yoongi carefully moved the tray off of the bed as he saw how it was about to tip and he didn't want everything falling over. Yoongi was looking right into Jimin's eyes, he looked intimidating but soft at the same time, and Jimin couldn't make himself lie to Yoongi, he just couldn't.

"How you make my heart feel like hot coffee on a cold December day." Jimin had whispered out, he didn't mean to whisper, but he was so transfixed by Yoongi's eyes that he could do nothing else.

Yoongi slowly started to smile wider and wider until he was full on grinning as he looked at Jimin. "Is it a nice feeling?" Jimin sucked in a sharp breath and bit his bottom lip, I can't believe I'm actually about to do this-

Yoongi's lips were soft on his own, almost too soft, and the little baby-hairs growing on his neck tickled Jimin's hand almost too nicely. It was magical and fantastic, and everything that Jimin could've hoped for, except for one thing. "Yoongi?" Jimin opened his eyes and backed off. He hadn't realised that Yoongi wasn't kissing back, he also didn't notice how the older's eyes had started to tear up during the "Yoongi, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Yoongi held up one of his hands to silence Jimin, and he used the other to wipe his cheek as a tear finally fell. He didn't say anything and he didn't open his eyes. He did nothing, not even when Jimin took his hand and put it against Jimin's chest. He could feel Jimin's heartbeat under his hand and he almost grabbed Jimin's shirt, balling up the fabric in his hand. But he didn't. He did nothing.

And he didn't do anything when he could hear Jimin talk again, or when he stood up, or when he walked out of the room, going in the wrong direction, the one to his window, not his front door.

heyy y'all

okay so it's been a little while but not too bad, ey?

thank you for reading!

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