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Katya, Violet, Trixie and Pearl were talking about the foursome.

V: So when is a good time for everyone? We can be at my place. 

K: I'm free next Tuesday. 

T: Me too, how about you Pearl? 

P: Well I have a gig on Tuesday, but it starts at 12 am so I got time. 

V: Okay, so Tuesday, meet me at 5 pm.

Everyone agreed. Violet and Pearl decide to leave to get some coffee.

K: Well this is going to be exciting. 

T: Yea, but I'm happy that you're there too. 

K: Of course babe!

Trixie and Katya went to bed, they were tired.

K: Goodnight babe. 

T: Goodnight, sleep well.

Trixie wakes up before Katya so she decides to make her breakfast. After the breakfast was ready, Trixie brings the breakfast to the bed.

T: Wake up sweetie, I made you breakast.

Katya wakes up, takes the tray from Trixie and puts it down.

K: You'll be my breakfast.

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