Chapter 3

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oh, right.

you may be wondering what this so called "bet" is about.

well, buckle up because this ride is about to get bumpy.

as if it wasn't bumpy enough lol.

Anyways it started about two months ago. Maya and Lucas have always had an on/off relationship.

This was during their off time. It had been about 5 days after Maya "called it off".

So this is what went down at lunch:

Lucas and Zay sat down at their usual lunch table with a few other friends.

"So Lucas, sorry about Maya" Zay said.

"Yeah. It's whatever I guess, not new news to anyone." He said sulking.

"So.." Matt started "anyone up for a little game or dare or double dare?"

"Sure. What have I got to lose anyways?" Lucas sighed sitting up a little

All of the boys at the table agreed to play.

Matt started since he thought of the idea.

"Lucas dare or double dare?"

"Uh dare I guess" he said somewhat zoned out.

Matt looked around and his eyes stopped on something behind Lucas.

"20 bucks says you can't kiss Missy Johnson without Maya knowing." He smirked.

"Dude.." Lucas said, snapping back to reality "no way"

"Chicken or...?" Matt teased

"No!" Lucas defended

"I said 20 bucks" Matt said

"My job sucks, dude. I don't even think I have 20 dollars"

"Hm.. your loss" Matt said getting up to walk away.

Lucas hesitated

"Matt wait.." Lucas said but regretted it right after.

"I'll do it." Lucas said again.

They shook hands.

*2 days later*

Lucas' phone rang

Unknown caller.. strange.

"Hello?" Lucas answered.

There was nothing on the other line except really faint sobbing in the background.

Lucas had heard that sobbing before.


Lucas felt his heart beating faster and he started to sweat.

Sure. They fought so much. But Lucas will always care about Maya no matter what.

If she was in danger. He needed to help. Somehow.

He loves her

"Hello? Can you hear me?!" Lucas yelled

The sobbing got louder and Lucas could hear a door shut and lock.

Someone picked up the phone.

"Lucas?" Maya said quietly

"What the hell is going on?!" He asked concerned.

Maya spoke between sobs "Call the police....I-I'm on my moms phone...he's b-beating us....we are at my house...please Lucas" she begged.

"Okay stay calm, stay in that room. Leave the door locked"

"Thank you Lucas." She said still crying in pain.

He hung up and dialled the number.

"911 what is your emergency?" A lady on the line asked

"I need help. My girlfriend is at her house and her father is beating her and her mother. Her house is on 156 Williams street. Send help please" he begged.

"Okay sir help is on the way." She assured.

"Thank you. Bye"

Lucas hung up and breathed out.

This was going to be a long, sleepless night.

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