Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Enjoy! Warning::: It does get gory, you have been warned.

~~~~~3rd Person P.O.V~~~~~

Sans, Undyne, Papyrus, Gaster, Toriel, and Frisk walked back to Juniper Alley, tense and ready for anything. "Remember that BT is a trained assassin and we need to be careful,"Sans said as he cocked his gun, "If you see BT, just run for cover and let me do the talking, okay everyone?" The group of monsters nodded their heads. "So Sans, if BT is so dangerous, why are we looking for him?" Frisk asked from behind Toriel. Sans turned and looked at Frisk, "Because... Well Frisk, we could use someone like BT in the mafia. Besides, from all the stories I've heard, he's got Grade A military training and weapons. That could be really useful, blowing up another mafia from a distance." Sans looked away from Frisk and back towards the street. "That is if we find him before someone else does," 

The group of monsters stood a few feet away from the enterance to Juniper Alley, guns loaded and ready to shot. Undyne stood in the front, ready to lead the charge, "Be ready for a massascre, from the way Frisk described it, it's pretty bad." Undyne held up three fingers, and one by one, lowered them. The monsters crept around the corner and took in the scene. That's when Frisk spoke up, "It wasn't like this, he must of come back." Undyne curled her lips back, "He came back and gutted them? That's pretty brutal, even for me." Undyne looked back between the pile of bodies and the pile of guts that lay against the opposite wall.

Sans stood in the back of the alley, looking for sights of an assassin when a gold glint caught his eyes.  Sans crouched down and reached towards the glint and found a bullet shell. Toriel walked up behind him, "I left Frisk outside of the alley, what did you find Sans?" Sans rubbed his chin with a sigh and continued to look at the bullet shell, "I found this, looks like a rifle bullet. Our killer must be pretty confident about themselves to be using a rifle in a gun fight." Further down the alley, Papyrus shouted, "SANS! I FOUND SOME BLOOD AND BULLETS!" Sans called back, "Yeah Papyrus, there's blood and bullets everywhere, what so special about this blood?" "IT'S BLACK!" Sans stopped and looked back at Toriel who looked equally confused, "It's black?" Sans turned away from Toriel and started to run towards Papyrus's voice. "Hang on Papy, I'm coming!" 

When Sans got to Papyrus, all the others had gathered around, "Make way for the skeleton!" Undyne called as she looked at the blood that was spattered on the crate. "What do you think happened Undyne?" Sans asked as he knelled down beside her and Papyrus, "It looks like a bullet grazed his arm in the fight. But this is fresh, so someone must have hid and hoped that BT didn't come back." Sans reached out with his gloved hand and touched the blood, "But he did, so the person decided to take him by surprise. I wonder where the survivor is?" Sans said in thought. Suddenly, to everyone's surprise, Papyrus started to gag. Sans rushed to his brother and put his hand on Papy's back as he heaved. "Papyrus? Papyrus? Papyrus, what's going on?" Sans said frantically as he tried to figure out what was going on. The only response he got was Papyrus pointing behind the crates. Sans looked at Undyne and had her stay with Papyrus as he went behind the crates. What he saw was far worse then the gutted men in a pile. This man had been ripped to shreds, limb from limb. His arms and legs were cut into ribbons and lay beside his body. These man had also been gutted, but his skull was also smashed to smithereens. Sans covered his mouth and rushed away from the crates. "I... I found the guy that survived the first shooting..... God, I think I'm gonna be sick.." Sans spat as he leaned against one of the alley walls. 

The rest of the group took the risk and glanced behind the crates, only to stumble away with tears in their eyes or throwing up what they had for lunch on the concrete. It was terrible. Toriel sat down by Sans with tears in her eyes and her hands over her mouth and stomach. "Oh my god, who can do that and still live with themselves?" Toriel whispered in horror. Sans rubbed his eyesockets, "This is the very reason I said if anyone sees BT, run for cover and don't make him angry. But this..." Sans trailed off as he looked towards the crate, "Is far worse than I expected." The sound of a car sliding to stop got everyone's attention. Everyone reached for their weapons and groggily stood up. "Guys! Guys!" A light voice called from the entrance of the alley. Two tall figures ran towards the group. Sans stared at them for a moment before he figured out who it was, "Everyone chill, it's just Chara and Asriel." The pair slid to a stop in front of their friends, they seemed very excited and tired. "Guys, you won't believe what me and Chara saw on the street!" Asriel said with a pant. Sans raised an eyebrow and put a hand on the wall and stood up. "What did you see Az?" Chara whipped her forehead, "W-we were walking down the street when we heard this crash in the old warehouse on forty-secondth street, so we looked through a window and inside was this monster wearing this strange armor, looked pretty high tech. The monster had this guy tied to a chair and was questioning him, we didn't hear most of the conversation but what we did hear sounded pretty important. The guy wasn't talking and the monster asked him, 'Do you know who I am Wallas?' The guy said he didn't know and the monster started laughing like a maniac and said that his name was BT. Do you think it could really be the real world-wide wanted assassin Sans?" Sans turned towards Chara and stared at her for a minute, "Chara, Az?" Yeah Sans?" "Take us to that warehouse. Now."

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