Part 2

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Alex's POV

I wake up super early so I can meet up with Daryl. Careful not to wake up mom or Carl I slip out of the tent with a jacket on.

It was pretty cold in the morning it was around five in the morning and the sun hadn't even come up yet. I see Daryl's tent and I walk towards it. I wait outside because I don't want to see anyone naked if they are.

After around five minutes Daryl emerges from the tent, crossbow on his back. He looks surprised seeing me in front of him, but he give me a small nod. "Ready?" He says.

"Yep!" I whisper excitedly. I place my cold hands into my pockets and follow Daryl to the outskirts of the trees. "Ya got a knife?" He says stopping before we go into the woods.

"I don't have one" I confess.

"Ere' kid" he holds out a slightly larger knife than what mom has.

Hesitantly I take it into my hands. Daryl grabs a brown thing and holds it up "This. I'll put it on yer' belt for ya, but it's a sheath. It ah, holds yer' knife for ya" he says attaching it to my belt.

"I don't know how to use one." I say putting it in the sheath carefully.

"When tha' time comes. I'll show ya', alrigh'?" He speaks like dad used to when he wanted to show me something.

I ignore the feeling I get when I think of my dad. 'He's dead' I remind myself. I take a deep breath and try to think of something else. Leaves. Leaves are nice.

"Kid?" Daryl stops making me bump into him. "Sorry. I was thinking about nature"

"Alrigh' so these ere' are squirrel tracks. See how small they're" he points to tiny imprints in the dirt.

"I see. So that means he went this way?" I point in the direction of the tracks.

"Yea! Let's go find em'" he says happily.

"Alright!" I screech. "Shh!" He hushes putting a finger to his lips as I copy.

3rd person POV

Back at camp Lori had forgotten where her daughter was. Not remembering she told her she could go with Daryl, Lori panicked all day thinking she had run off. Half way through the day Lori had thought she was missing and Shane said he'd look for her, but it was no use.

A Red Dodge Challenger was beeping throughout the roads of Georgia as Glenn screened with happiness. Pulling into their camp Glenn was bombarded with questions of the others to which he said they were coming soon.

As a white van pulled up everyone, but Merle Dixon hoped out. Being reunited with their families Carl grew sad knowing he wouldn't see his dad. The kid still had hope that he would see him again though.

Lori pulled her son aside and soothed him still worrying about Alex. "Hey helicopter boy! Why don't you come meet everyone" Morales yelled.

Rick Grimes emerged from the truck depressed thinking he'd never find his family. Looking up he saw he was completely wrong. Running towards his wife and son, as Carl ran to him yelling "Dad!" Over and over again.

The three embraced each other, and as Rick looked around he didn't see his daughter anywhere. His now happy tears, were sad ones.

"W-Where's Alex?" He stuttered.

"She ran off early this morning I don't know where she went, or if she's still alive" Lori whispered the last part of her sentence.

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