Part 8

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Third Person POV

It was pitch black outside now, and the couple of the shot child were debating on what they wanted to do. They could have Hershel do the surgery or they could wait for Shane and Otis to possibly return. The decision weighed heavy on them, but in Rick's heart he knew that he'd do anything for their children to stay alive.

"Do it, just anything to save her life" Rick decided for them. Hershel nodded his head and began preparing for surgery. The man was nervous, but he was going to do his best.

Daryl Dixon since he got to that farm had given about four pints of blood, ate food, and worried about a kid. Sofia had been on his mind a lot, but Alex was his friend almost like a daughter he never had. When he had to hear her painful screams it was like they ripped a hole in his heart. He sat on the porch away from everyone as he knew that they were going to try surgery without anesthesia.

He watched as Shane pulled up, his hair ripped out in one spot, and he held Otis' gun in his hands. Looking to the truck he saw Otis was no where to be seen. Maybe it was the loss of blood, or lack of sleep, but Daryl now kept his eye on Shane even more for he hadn't liked him to begin with. He watched him warily as he waltzed into the house.

Hershel advised the couple to go with Carl while he worked on their other child. Rick and Lori abided not wanting to see their child's insides. They spent time mostly talking to themselves because Carl had fallen asleep.

Hours later Hershel came into the room his hands cleaned and his shirt stained in blood. Rick grabbed Lori's hand and gave it a giant squeeze. Fearing the worst Lori clutched onto Rick's shoulder.

"She'll be fine. She'll be out for a few hours, could be more, but I got all the fragments out. Hopefully she'll be fine, and nothing will go wrong. She just needs to rest up, a lot" the bold man says. Hershel is suddenly engulfed into a hug by the crying parents as he awkwardly pats their back coughing after awhile and leaving.

Rick smiles over at his wife and then down onto his son stroking his head happy that his daughter got through surgery. He decided since Daryl helped his daughter that he'd go thank him and let him know that Alex was going to be okay.

"Daryl" he says "Alex got through surgery. Hershel said she should be okay in a couple days" the father beams. "Thank you"

Daryl smiles knowing Rick can't see him from the darkness but then stands into the light shrugging it off "it was nothin', anyone woulda' done it"

"Your a good man Daryl. Thank you again" Rick pats the man on the shoulder before going to see his daughter, leaving Daryl thinking about his words. His father had always called him redneck trash, but to have someone call him a good man, felt amazing.

Daryl decided it was best that he'd go see Alex while she was awake, he went onto the couch Maggie said he could sleep on and fell asleep, exhausted from giving blood all day.

Lori and Rick rest their heads on either side of Alex's bedside snoring lightly, but still holding onto her hands. Alex sleeps peacefully her face not sweaty anymore, but more relaxed. Her eyes are softly closed and she has a dark blue shirt covering her only for tonight, because Hershel didn't want to hurt her wound.

The whole family known as the Grimes were sleeping peacefully that night after a long stressful day. The Greene's were asleep as soon as they hit the pillow, Hershel loudly snoring, Beth though she wasn't going to sleep. Patricia crying herself to sleep over her dead husband.

Alex Grimes was going to live to fight another day, even if she lost some of her sweetness like Carl from being traumatized.

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