Part 3

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Alex's POV

Carl and I are waiting for dad to come back. It's been a lot of hours and it's getting dark.

"Do you think he's okay" I ask my twin.

"Nothing's killed him yet" he smiles

I sit in silence just nodding my head. Soon enough it's pitch black and we're around the camp fire eating some squirrels.

The grown ups were talking about Dales watch, but I just sat and ate with Carl. Maybe it'll be just like when Daryl and I went tracking. Maybe dad and the rest of them will be back tomorrow.

"Geez, try to be discreet around here" Amy says walking towards the RV. We all laugh with her statement.

Suddenly Amy starts to talk, but it's cut short by her screaming. I look over in horror and see a monster eating her arm. Tears well up in my eyes and I get up from my chair.

I get separated from Mom, Carl, and Shane as they go towards the RV and I keep backing up closer to the woods.

Shakily I grab out the knife Daryl gave me and raise it like he taught me "like this for the monsters" I whisper.

I see a monster coming towards me, and I take in small shaky breaths. I start to cry after not being able to calm down. The monster pushes me onto the ground and I land with a thud.

My eyes widen as it slowly walks towards me. I push myself as far away as I can before it falls on top of me. I scream, but it doesn't carry far being there are gunshots and people screaming in camp.

I think fast and hold it up with my small arms becoming weak almost instantly. I raise the knife, and with a little force I push it into its brain.

The monsters dead form lays on top of me, and it's getting harder to breathe. I try to push it off but it's no use. I killed it. I killed something. I'm a bad person now. I lay on the floor and squirm and cry under the heavy body.

"Baby?!" I hear dad scream throughout camp. They're back.

"Dad!" I hear Carl cry. "Where's Alex, Lori?" Dad asks.

I'm so out of breath and it's getting hard to breath under the heavy body. I'm super tired from trying to hold him up that I can't tell for my parents.

"I don't know Rick. She was separated from us" Mom cries.

"Alex!" I hear Dad scream and cry out.

I lazily lift up my bloody hand in the air in hopes they'll see me.

"Over there!" I hear someone shout. I breathe out in relief someone saw me. My tear stained cheeks are hardened from the dry tears. I feel the weight lifted off of me, and I come face to face with dad.

"Oh baby" he says lifting me up into his arms.

"Dad" I cry. "I-I killed him" I sniffle. "I killed that monster" I sob into his shoulder.

"It's alright baby girl, your safe now" he says walking towards Mom and Carl.

When it goes quiet we hear Jim speak. "I remember now, why I dug he holes"

His statement makes me cry even more thinking about all the good people who died tonight. "Amy!" Andrea sobs as she shakes Amy's lifeless body.

I wrap my arms around Dad's neck as we walk towards our tent for the night. He tries to put me down but I only protest, holding tighter onto him. "No" is all I say.

I hear Dad sigh and hold onto me. " have to go to bed." He says.

"Dad, I'm scared. I had to kill Please don't let me be a monster too!" I frantically say.

"I'll try my best baby. But Alex you have to go to sleep" he says.

"Will you lay with me until I go to sleep. Please, Dad" I beg.

"Sure" he says crawling in bed next to me.

I lay tonight in Dads arms shaking as Carl does with Mom. I don't think I can ever sleep knowing that we might all die tomorrow. I'm a monster too now, I'm not a good person anymore. Silently, I cry myself to sleep with my own thoughts.

A/N: small chapter ik. I'll have some more soon.

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