Pt 6- Meeting his members

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{Jungkook POV}
"Wait what am I thinking" i said to myself
"I can't fall for her no way" i yanked my hand away from her
I tapped her head
"Um never mind you can leave" i said
She nodded and got up
She left immediately after

{Eun-Hye POV}
Strange he tells me to stay and then seconds later he tells me to leave
I shrugged it off
I went to my room and fell asleep
Looking after Jungkook is like a mission
If you do something wrong and awaken the alarm oh yeah something bad is going to happen
After at least only 3 hours of sleeping
Jungkook bust open your door
"Yah make my bed I'm going to be out. You better not leave the house too" Jungkook warned and left
You rubbed your eyes and went into Jungkook's room
Thinking he had already left you opened his door
Yeah not so of a good move to do
Jungkook was in the middle of changing his shirt
"Oh god will i die" you thought
You saw Jungkook turn while buttoning up his shirt
"Yah stop staring you pervert and make my bed" Jungkook smirked
"PERVERT ME oh hell no he wishes" you muttered
You went to his bed and took the pillows off
You tossed the blanked up a few times to cover the bed
Once you made the bed you put the pillows on
"Hm good girl ok I'll get going" Jungkook patted your head and left
You made a disgusted face
No matter how good looking this boy is he still is someone you hate
You just sighed it off and went to shower
You looked at your reflection
"How long is this going to lasttt" you yelled in the bathroom
You basically had the house to yourself
Your not supposed to venture the house without permission but it won't hurt if he doesn't know right?
You went into a few rooms it was just either empty or the guest rooms
You searched for awhile and found one particular room that surprised you the most
It was an art room
Your eyes widen as you saw his drawings
"Dang i never knew this boy was a good drawer" you said
You looked through all his works
You had to admit it was actually very beautiful
After checking out the room you went into the basement
There were weights so you guessed it was his work out area
You went back up stairs
Jungkook is going to be gone for quite a while
So you sat on the couch and relaxed
You played on your phone here and there
But overall you were bored
The house was already clean because it was only Jungkook living here before
You ended up falling asleep on the couch
The doorbell rung
You woke up from the sound and you lazily walked to the door
You opened it
Jimin and Taehyung was carrying a drunk Jungkook
But what made it worse is the fact that Jimin and Taehyung was drunk as hell too
Not to mention 4 other people behind them drunk as well
Your eyes widen
"Ayeeeee Eun-hyeeeee" Taehyung said out of it
They came in so wobbly that they almost dropped Jungkook but luckily you caught him
"Ohhhh heyyyy thereeee" a boy said
It seemed like it was Jungkook's other friends
You bowed and took Jungkook to the couch
You slumped him down and his friends fell on the living room floor
Before you knew it they were all fast asleep
You were lost at words
You stared at the drunk people laying on the living room floor
"Looks like my night is going to be so fun" you said sarcastically
You ended up carrying each and every one of the 7 drunk people to the guest rooms
Jimin and Taehyung took over your room because the guest rooms were already taken by the others
You carried Jungkook to his room
Once you left you slid down the door
"Gosh their so heavy" you said and went to the living room
It was currently 3 in the morning
You were no longer tired all that heavy lifting kept you awake
You went to the kitchen and got a glass of water
Before you knew it the lights flicked on
You quickly turned and saw a smiling Jimin
You sighed in relief
"Oh its just you" you said touching your chest because your fragile heart almost burst from the sudden scare
"Sorry did i scare you" Jimin said
You nodded
Then Jimin held his head in pain and almost fainted
You caught him fast
"You ok" you asked
Jimin nodded
"Why in the heck would you guys get drunk" you scold him
"Hey stress is what happened" Jimin scold back
You smiled slightly and brought Jimin to couch
You put him down and Jimin leaned back
"Can you get me some water?" Jimin asked and you nodded
You got him water and he chugged it down
"Thanks" Jimin said handing back the cup
"No problem" you replied and washed out the cup
"Now go back up stairs you need some rest" you said to Jimin
Jimin obeyed and went back to the room
You smiled but slowly started to feel your head get in pain
You hold it with two hands
"Ah what the heck" you mumbled
You quickly went to the bathroom and took some pain killers
"Go away pain" you said
But it only got worse
You fell on the bathroom floor holding your head
You put your back up against the tiles
You covered your mouth to prevent any painful screams being heard
Your vision blurred and then blacked
You woke up on a bed
Just from the scent of the bed you knew you were in Jungkook's room
You sat up
You held your head
It was still in pain but not as bad as earlier
You got out and noticed you were wearing a white loose shirt and black shorts
After like 5 seconds of looking at yourself it finally hit you
"Did that pervert change me" you said frantically covering yourself
"Oh no oh no oh no" you said over and over
"Wait at least I'm not wearing a dress" you said reassuring yourself
You agreed to your own self and went down stairs
Right when you got down the stairs
6 pairs of eyes were on you
You gulped
Jungkook was making breakfast surprisingly
He turned and saw the shocked yet confused you
"Eun-Hye met my friends" Jungkook said
They all seem tired from the night before
You slowly walked closer to the kitchen bowing before the 6 friends of his
You quickly rushed to Jungkook's side and helped him with breakfast
"Did you sleep well" Jungkook asked
You nodded
"Good ok lets eat" Jungkook gave a smile
Your eyebrows rose
You questioned his weird behavior
Maybe the alcohol hit him hard that he forgot his own self
Whatever the reason you enjoyed the new attitude from Jungkook
You set the table with the help of Taehyung
You looked at him and he smiled too
After that you sat next to Jimin and Jungkook
"Lets eat" Jungkook said
Everyone just nodded and ate as if you weren't there
You picked at your food embarrassed to eat in front of these random people
"Aye Eun-Hye why aren't you eating" Jimin asked
"Ah Im not hungry" you made an excuse
"Not buying that" Jungkook said
You turned to him and he shoved rice into your mouth
"I found you passed out in the bathroom looking dead and you say your not hungry" Jungkook scolded you
You chewed the food in your mouth and looked at the people around the table
Everyones eyes were on you
Jungkook seemed to notice
"Yah yah hyungs she's feeling uncomfortable stop staring at her" Jungkook said
They all turned their glances back to the food
After they finished eating they all went into the living room
You washed the dishes
When you finished you went into the living room as well
Jungkook turned and smiled at you
He patted the seat next to him so you could sit
You sat down
"One question by the way" one of Jungkook's friend ask
"Y-yes" you replied
"Did you carry us into the rooms" he spoke
You didn't answer at first but just nodded
"Really?!" Jimin exclaimed
You nodded again
"Yahhhhhh she's strong isn't she" another said
"Yeah she is but after carrying Jin hyung she might felt so tired that she just passed out in the bathroom" one said
The one that's so called Jin slapped him in the back of his head
You let out a little laugh
Jungkook looked at you and smiled slightly
You made contact with him
Jungkook came closer and whispered into your ear
"That one is Namjoon" he said pointing to the one sitting next to Taehyung
"Thats Seokjin and Yoongi" he said pointing towards the two sitting on the floor
"And that smiley one is Hoseok" Jungkook said and moved back from your face
You nodded and looked at the boys
They all were smiling and laughing at each other
Taehyung was tackling Jimin and Jin was trying to break them up
"This is what a real family looks like huh" you mumbled
Jungkook seemed to have heard and he turned to you
Your eyes were fixed on the little fight match
Jungkook felt sorry towards you
He knew a bit about your past and he felt bad for his bad behavior towards you
"Hey why don't we all spend some time together" Jungkook said
You looked at Jungkook surprised
"Huh me too" you asked pointing to yourself
Jungkook chuckled and nodded
Your eyes sparkled
You had no friends so being asked to go hang out was like winning a prize
Jungkook looked at his friends
"Bangtan want to have some fun" Jungkook said
They all smiled and nodded
"Where too" Yoongi asked with no emotion
"Mall or Amusement park" Jungkook asked
"Amusement park" everyone said at the same time
We all chuckled (except Yoongi of course. Lol rude much)
"Oh and before i forget this is Eun-Hye my mai-" Jungkook stopped
"My bestie" he said
Your eyes widen
You looked towards Jungkook
He gave a cheeky smile
You couldn't help but smile back
"Hi ya Eun-Hye" they all said
Except Yoongi he seemed the coldest
But who knows if he could change or not
"Ok lets all changed and meet up here at my house" Jungkook suggested
"Ok" Namjoon said and made a ok sign
Everyone left to change
"Is there any particular reason of why you called me "bestie" you asked Jungkook as everyone left
Jungkook just swung his arm around me
"Nope just felt like it" he said and left to his room
"Wah seriously" you said
You went to your room too
You went to your closet
"Wait does he want me to wear anything specific" i asked myself
Instead of finding clothes you went to Jungkook's room
You knocked and heard an enter
You entered
"Um is there anything specific i have to wear" you asked
Jungkook turned to you and smiled
He shook his head and you smiled widely
"Thanks oppa!" You said
"Wait oppa what the heck" you said in your mind
"I mean Jungkook" you rephrased and left
You went into your room
"Hm ok this will do"

 Lol rude much)"Oh and before i forget this is Eun-Hye my mai-" Jungkook stopped "My bestie" he said Your eyes widen You looked towards Jungkook He gave a cheeky smile You couldn't help but smile back "Hi ya Eun-Hye" they all said Except Yoongi he...

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"Something simple is fine" you said
You combed your hair and went to the living room
You waited for the rest
"Let today be the best day" you said with hope

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