Pt 7- Moving away

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{Eun-Hye POV}
Everyone came one by one into the living room
You smiled at each of the members
They smiled back
"Hi hi Eun-Hye" Taehyung said happily and smiled at you while giving you a hug
He stayed like that for a few minutes
Not knowing what to do you pat Taehyung's head
He let go still with a smile
"Now that everyone is here lets go" Jungkook said and everybody left the house
There was two cars
Jin's and Jimin's
You went with Jimin of course
Jungkook and Taehyung tagged along with you
And the rest went with Jin
Jimin started the car and off you went
It would take 2 hours worth of driving
2 HOURS!!!!
Your not much of a long car ride person
You sat at the front
Shifting here and there
"You good" Jimin asked chuckling in between his talking
You glared at him
"Ok ok I'll stop" Jimin said
You rolled your eyes and looked at the back seat
Jungkook and Taehyung were already sleeping
Taehyung was hugging Jungkook as he slept
You giggled at the two
You took your phone out and snapped a picture of them
"Cute~" you said and set the picture as your lock screen
2 hours later
You were finally at the amusement park
You quickly got out the car right went Jimin parked
Your arms felt so relieved when you stretched it
"Cramped right" Jungkook said putting his arm around you
You nodded
"At least you weren't getting bear hugged by someone" Jungkook said glaring at Taehyung
You giggled at his comment
"Lets go go go" Taehyung ran to you and Jungkook and he grabbed your hand
He rushed off with you
Jungkook death stared at Taehyung and ran as well
Jimin just stayed behind chuckling at the young ones
You and Taehyung made it to the gate
"Lets wait for the rest" you said to Taehyung out of breath
Taehyung pouted but nodded
The rest came and you all entered
You and Taehyung were most likely the childish one out of the group
But oh well you enjoyed Taehyung's happy spirit
You skipped and ran around with him
Jungkook was feeling a little sting in his chest while watching you and Taehyung together
He shook his head but the feeling in his heart was painful
Seeing you and Taehyung together was Jungkook's weakness
His pace fasten as he walked up to you and Taehyung
He linked arms with you and smiled
You smiled back and Jungkook looked at Taehyung
Taehyung seemed to be a little upset that Jungkook was around
But then...
"Jungkook oppa~~" a girl said
You turned and saw a girl running up to Jungkook and pushing you
Luckily Taehyung was caught you
She linked arms with Jungkook instead
"Oppa~ did you miss me" she said
You looked at them
Taehyung's face became blank as he saw them
He turned to you and saw the pain in your eyes
"Does she like him?"Taehyung thought
Right as he thought that you thought the same
"Why do i feel like this? Do i like him?" You asked your self
The girl looked like a player
Her clothes were short as anything and she showed so much skin
Her hair was long and curled
She did look pretty but not pretty enough
Jungkook looked at her confused as she hugged him
"Who are you!" He yelled as he pushed her
"You don't remember" she said pouting
Jungkook shook his head and stared at her disgusted
"Im the one you met last night" she said smiling
Ew how bad her teeth looked
You cringed at the sight
Taehyung grabbed both of shoulders
He turned you to him
"Eun-Hye lets go on a ride" Taehyung said trying to get you away from the scene
You nodded and Taehyung kept his arm around your shoulder
Jungkook watched you two walk away
"Yah go away" he said
"Stop being so rude oppa you really don't remember me. Here let me tell you. My name is Song Sarang." She rambled about herself
Jungkook forgot all about her
But after hearing her story he remembered getting drunk with her
He scratched the back of his head
"No go away I don't want to be with you" he said again and tried to run
Sarang kept her arms around the poor boy to prevent him from running
"Please let go" he begged
"Please make me your girlfriend" she smirked
Meanwhile Taehyung took you to the gyro drop
"Yah are you trying to scare me on purpose" you said looking at the ride
Taehyung nodded and smiled innocently
You couldn't say no to this puppy so you rode it
When it was your turn you took a seat and Taehyung did too
You buckled up and held the handles tightly
"Why in my entire life did i fall for his smile dang it Kim Taehyung" you mumbled
Taehyung just laughed and the ride went up
It stopped abruptly making you already scream
Taehyung looked at you and smile devilishly
You glared at Taehyung
Before the ride dropped Taehyung took your hand
You were afraid for your life so you held his hand back
Then the ride dropped
"OH MY GOSH" you yelled
Taehyung laughed loudly
Your reaction was funny yet cute to him
Right when the ride stopped it went back up
"NOT AGAIN" you yelled
Finally the ride ended
When you got off your legs were no longer useful
You wobbled
Taehyung saw you and bent down in front of you
"Yah get on jelly" he smirked
You rolled your eyes and denied
But Taehyung being Taehyung he carried you anyways
"Go go go" he said
You didn't know what to say so you just smiled
Still riding on Taehyung's back you saw them again
Jungkook seemed to have his arm around that girl
Your eyes widen
Taehyung noticed as well
He glared at Jungkook
Jungkook saw you two
He just smirked and walked off with the girl
"Hey you ok" Taehyung asked
You shook your head
"Whats wrong" Taehyung said worriedly
When you see something that pains you, you would eventually faint
(The ride didn't cause you to faint because your eyes were mostly closed btw)
He put you down and turned to you
He grabbed your shoulder and shook you a bit
Your head was moving side to side
Then it happened you fainted into Taehyung's arms
Before you blackout you saw Jungkook just looking at you
Maybe today wasn't the perfect day

You woke up in your bed
Taehyung was on the side as well as Jimin
They must have stayed up all night aiding you
You sat up carefully so you won't wake the boys
You smiled at the two sleeping
You took your phone and looked at your screen saver
You eyes watered and before you knew it tears streamed down
"Am i crying" you thought
You smacked yourself
"No don't cry Eun-Hye" you said and wiped your tears
Jimin woke up and smiled at you
"Hey you ok" Jimin asked concern heard in his voice
You nodded and hugged him
Jimin was surprised from the hug
Maybe you did like Jungkook even though it has been little time with him
Jimin gladly hugged you back
"Are you crying" Jimin asked as he felt his shirt soak with your tears
You shook your head
Jimin sighed and broke the hug
He saw your face
Right then and there he wanted to punch Jungkook 
For making someone like you cry
"Stop your too beautiful to cry" Jimin said
You didn't listen and the tears flowed down even more
You sniffling and crying made Taehyung wake up
He quickly rushed to you and hugged you
Jimin let Taehyung watch you
He went into Jungkook's room but stopped
He forgot Jungkook brought that girl home
Jimin sighed and had enough
He went back into your room
He started to pack your stuff
"Jimin what are you doing" Taehyung said looking at Jimin
"Im done with Jungkook's crap im not letting her stay here not like this. He's just going to hurt her more." Jimin said finally finishing packing your stuff
He wrote a note to Jungkook
You were still weak to even walk so Jimin carried you
Taehyung took your luggage and walked out with Jimin
Taehyung felt the same as Jimin
He didn't want to see you get hurt
Jimin placed you into his car carefully
"Wait but i have to work for Jungkook" you said
"No not anymore I'm not letting you" Jimin spoke back sternly
"But Jimin i need the money" you replied
"I'll give you money and you don't need to work for it so please" Jimin pleaded
You were surprised by his words
But you did want to get of of that hell hole so going with Jimin was better
Plus you don't even think your mother wants you home at all
You slept in the back
Taehyung and Jimin chatted in the front
"Do you think Jungkook will come back for her" Taehyung asked
"No he's with that *****" Jimin said (sorry I don't use those big curse words. Ik im a goodie goodie not much)
Taehyung nodded
"And if he does come back" Taehyung asked
"Then he'll have to get passed me" Jimin warned

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