👌Long time- Stiles and Lydia

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So Stiles and Lydia won the votes on my other page so here we go.
Stiles POV

I was working on my 3rd snack bag of Doritos, what they're snack size, and starring at my board trying for the thousandth time to put everything we have on the Dread Doctors together, but nothing was sticking and it was just getting more and more frustrating by the minute. And not to mention my throat was still burning from the smoke inhalation I'd endured with Theo tonight.
Everyone was at the school trying to protect Hayden eventhough they all knew it was pointless, Scott was falling apart in every human and werewolf way possible, and Malia broke up with. I mean hell could it get any worse...yeah yeah it could just add a piece of shit that I know is a fucked up homicidle maniac, and fucked up surgeons and bam you've got a shit load of shit you will never be able to clean up.
I lay back on my bed with a huff and just closed my eyes, listening to the rain tapping on the roof. I'm so sick of all this.

I didn't even know I had fallen asleep until I heard a quite knock on the door to my room. I turned over and looked at my clock "1:37am", ugh, assuming it was just my dad checking in because my light was on I just rolled over and flipped it off. "I'm all good dad, just left the light on, Goodnight." I said rolling over onto a bag of Doritos and closing my eyes again not caring.

"Stiles?" It was a soft voice, a girl......Lydia.

I shot up and looked at the door I could see the shadow of her feet poring in from the crack under the door. "Lydia?" I squeaked. "C-can I come in?" She asked so soft I almost couldn't hear it.
I ran to the door and pulled it open.
There was Lydia, soaking wet from the rain, her beautiful red hair dripping water onto the wood floor. It could be the rain drops but I think she'd been crying.
"Oh god, Lydia, are you okay?" I asked pulling her into my room, switching on the light again. She didn't say anything just rested her head on my chest. I didn't know what to do, didn't know if she was hurt, or if this was one of her banshee related black outs.
I opted for the easiest option and just wrapped my arms around her. Resting my head ontop of hers.
I looked down, she wasn't even wearing shoes rain water coating her perfectly polished toe nails. Oh god what had happened.

Lydia was shaking now both from the cold and all the tears I cloud tell she was holding back.
"Lydia what's going on? At least tell me if I need to call an ambulance." I said frantically trying to get her to look at me. She just shook her head still looking at the floor. I moved her hair from her eyes and hugged her again, rocking back and forth slowly.
We stood there for god knows how long, but I eventually get her to my bed. I took off my hoodie and put it around her sholders and went to my bathroom to get her a towel.

When I came back she was lying on my bed sobbing silently. I came over to her and did my best to dry her, opting to leave her in the soaked dress, not wanting to step over any lines. After I wrapped her in my blanket. I laid down with her dragging her to face me in my arms, looking at her she was still just as beautiful, but I've haven't seen her like this since that night I found her in her car sophomore year.

I just held her while she cried, rubbing her back and squeezing her tightly when she let out gut wrenching sobs, It was hard to listen to. After about an hour she finally met my eyes "are you okay Lydia?" I asked, serious. "Yeah yeah i'm okay I just...." She trailed off looking away again. I tilted her chin up and held eye contact with her. "I can't take this anymore. We lost Liam and Hayden tonight and you got hurt and Scotts a mess, and-and I just don't know what to do!" She wailed.

I could feel myself breaking too, but I pushed it away focusing of Lydia. "You lost Liam and Hayden?" I questioned. Why hadn't anyone called me, I thought, but I didn't care right now I just need Lydia, strong Lydia, smart Lydia, the one I fell in love with...
"I know how hard it is Lydia, I know, but we need to stay strong. We need you...I need you Lydia, everything would fall apart without you." I said, that was the most true statement that has ever left my mouth and just could hold back anymore.
I kissed her closing my eyes praying she wouldn't hate for doing it, because she was so broken right now and I felt like a dick for doing this to her, but honestly I needed to or I would explode.
She kissed back! She actually kissed me back sighing into it sounding almost content. "I've been waiting so long for you to do that." She said.
I laughed. "I'm so glad, every time I ran the moment though my head it always ended in bodily harm." I said feeling my cheeks heat up. She was the one who lifted my chin now kissing me again. "You should be more confident." She said cracking the first smile I've seen on her in days.
She pulled away from me and sat up. "Do you mind if I steal one of your shirts. I'm freezing." She said.
I went to my dresser and got my favorite shirt, one with a storm trooper on it that my mom left behind.
I turned around to find Lydia in nothing but her panties. I covered my eyes sticking out the shirt. "God Lydia." I chuckled, completely unprepared for what I just saw. Not to say it wasn't breathtaking.
She took the shirt and the I felt her wrap her hands around my wrists and pulled them away from my face. "What Stiles nothing you haven't seen." She turned around with out another word and laid under my covers.
"Just caught me off guard that's all." I said my cheeks still on fire. "Okay" She replied. I came beside her and we started to spoon. "Good night Lydia." "Good night Stiles."
We didn't say a another word all night just held each other close never wanting to let go.

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