chapter 7 wHaTrE tHeY sElLiN'?

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Gerard sat drawing for hours, cause fuck school work. His pencil flew across the page swiftly as he drew every detail he could have remembered. He barely even noticed his brother standing at his door.

"Gee, dinner" he said before once again retreating up the stairs.

Gerard carefully closed his sketchbook and set it on his nightstand before walking up the stairs to the table where his mom and brother sat.

"Dad still at work?" Gerard questioned.

His mother sighed before responding, "Yes. Your father has been getting a lot of overtime lately. Its really busy at work."

"Yeah...." mikey said, his face unexpressive as always. "So gerard, you made some new friends, right?"

Their mother's expresdion quickly changed. "Oh you did? How nice! Was it at the party? I told you that it was a good idea to go."

"It... yeah i met them at the party. We hung out in the basement."

Gerard's mother was quickly questioning him about everything. "So who threw the party? Who did you meet there? Are they nice? Do you plan on inviting them over anytime soon? Why were you in the basement?"

Gerard tried to cut her off "Andy, hes a really nice kid. I met this group of friends, their names are tyler, josh, billie, ray, patrick, pete, and frank. They are all pretty nice, bille's a little reckless but other than that... i dont know if im inviting them over, it depends. We were in the basement cause the rest if the house was too loud."

"Well its really nice that you made some friends, gerard." She said, swirling pasta on her fork. "Now, finish your dinner. Were going christmas shopping tonight."

Both gerard and his brother groaned at the mention of christmas shopping. Especially after dinner. Their mother loved to shop so they likey wouldnt be home til very late.

"Oh stop complaining. Gerard can bring his own car so you can leave when youre done."


Mikey got into gerards car knowing that if he rode with his mom she would make him uncomfortable one way or another

Once they got out of the driveway on their way to the mall mikey started "So. That frank kid."

Gerard started panicking. He tried to speak as calmly as possible. "W-what about him?" He stuttered. He obviously failed at trying to be calm.

Mikey smirked, "You like him, dont you. You~" he said, pointing at gerard "have a boy crush!"

"Oh shut up mikes." Gerard said trying to sound annoyed but really he was extremely panicked.

"You know its true. I know what happened at the party. Just remember i couldve told mom at dinner, gerard."

"Wait. Y-you.... how do you know?!"

"Lets just say patrick has a big mouth and ray cant keep a secret. So are you guys dating then?"

"Mikey, can we not talk about this right now?"

Right then mikey took gerards phone and held it out of reach of the driver.

"Give me my phone!" Gerard said reaching for mikey's hand

"Aww how cute! His contact name is frankie with a heart! You guys are drfinately dating. Your last message was even 'I love you too, frankie <3' how adorable!"

"Michael James Way give me my phone right now!" Gerard screamed. He was getting really angry right now. His relationship is his own private life and mikey should just leave it alone.

"Fine." He snorted, placing the phone back between the seats. "So are you gonna get him something for christmas?"

"I already did. But getting something else wouldnt hurt i guess. I can get ray's phone number from him to ask what hed want."

"Oh i can text ray i have his number"

"Alright. Just... please dont say anything to mom, okay?"



I may or may not have refrenced a country song in this. But the rest is pretty much the story of my life. Its sorta short but i dont fuckin care at the moment. I like to do lits of short chapters. I just felt like this was a good place to end it. But like legit i am gee. Mkay byeee.

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