Episode 12

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Episode 12

The episode start with Samaira become shocked seeing the room decorated it was luxury honeymoon suite Samaira was in shocked Neil hug her from behind and said
Neil:like it
Samaira:Neil its beautiful
Neil:we r going to stay here from now
Samaira looked at Neil and said
Neil:yes babe
Samaira:but what about that room and our bags
Neil:when u were in washroom I packed our bags and its there saying this Neil turn Samaira to the left side and show her bags which was kept near cupboard then said
Neil:and I already told the manager that we r changing room so no problem
Samaira:but why we changed
Neil:because u like sea view na so look from here saying this Neil took Samaira to the balcony and show the beautiful view of sea Samaira become really happy and said
Samaira:thank u so much Neil its just so amazing I loved it
Neil:and I love u

Samaira turn to Neil and hug him tightly and said
Samaira:u r the best husband of this world I love u Neil
Neil:I'm best because my wife is bestest
Samaira:I'm sorry
Samaira:for all the mistakes I made and for that day on ur birthday I just spoil everything I'm really sorry for hurting u
Neil looked at Samaira and said
Neil:Sammy I'm sorry for not understanding u I know I have hurted u the most but believe me I also love u a lot
Samaira:don't say like that Neil I know u love me and I love u too
Neil:then promise me something
Samaira:yes tell me I'll do whatever you'll say
Neil:please be like u were
Neil:yeah if I hurt u complain to me if I made u angry fight with me if u want cry but in front of me I'll be there to wipe ur tears I promise just be like u were I want to make our relationship like it was where we can say what we feel and can understand what we want I want to be close to u like I was please saying this Neil wipe Samaira's tears and Samaira hug him and said
Samaira:I love u a lot Neil thank u so much for loving me I want u to be with me just like today and I don't want anything else
Neil:then I promise I'll be like this always
Samaira:now I want to ask u something

Neil:yes go ahead jaan
Samaira:umm actually
Neil looked at Samaira and said
Neil:is everything ok babe
Samaira:yes actually I wanted to ask that why u lied to ur frds
Neil:what I lied
Samaira:that we can't have kids because of u when it's because of me
Neil:ummm how do u know that saying this Neil look here and there and Samaira said
Samaira:Neil look at me saying this Samaira the Neil to face her and Neil said
Neil:because I don't want them to say anything about u and I know that it'll hurt u so well what does it matter if someone will think that we can't have kids because of me all that matter is no one should hurt u
Samaira's eyes were filled with tears Neil wipe her tears and said
Neil:don't cry jaan
Samaira:do u love me this much
Neil:no I love u more than this saying this he kiss her forehead and then hug her tightly while hugging her Neil kiss on her neck and Samaira immediately tighten her grip Neil moved his lips from her neck to her shoulder and kiss there he moved to behind and kiss on her back and opened her blouse knots Samaira was losing herself Neil unpin her saree and it fall on ground Samaira felt shy and try to go but Neil hold her hand and pull her closer both stare each other lovingly Neil lean down and kiss her when Samaira kiss him back his deepen the kiss and both kiss each other passionately after sometime both release and Samaira turn to other side because of shyness Neil came closer he remove his shirt and wrap his hands around her waist and said
Neil:I never saw someone more beautiful than u saying this he kiss on her neck passionately Samaira closed her eyes tightly feeling his bare chest and lips then said

Neil:Sammy look at me babe don't make me mad like this for u please look at me jaan
Samaira turn hug Neil tightly and said
Samaira:i love u Neil
Neil:I love u too jaan
Samaira look at Neil and kiss his forehead, eyes and cheeks she hesitate but then softly kiss on his lips Neil kiss her back more passionately then Neil moved toward the bed without broking the kiss when they reach near bed Neil lift Samaira and make her sit on bed and remove rest of the clothes of her and his also he came over her and start kissing her with crazy passion then he blow the candles and they get intimate

In The Middle Of The Night
Neil wake up and saw Samaira sleeping peacefully in his arms he smile seeing her and kiss on her forehead Samaira wake up because of his kiss and Neil said
Neil:sorry jaan saying this he softly kiss on her lips and Samaira said smilingly
Samaira:its ok saying this Samaira hug Neil again and Neil said
Neil:still sleepy
Samaira:no tired
Neil:awww my babe why r u tired
Samaira:u r asking me why don't u know why
Neil:no tell me in detail saying this Neil wink at Samaira and Samaira hit him on chest and said
Samaira:Neil why u love me
Neil:what do u mean
Samaira:I mean there must be something na because of which u love me
Neil:yes there is
Samaira:what is it
Neil:yeah because u love me endlessly this is what make me love u limitlessly
Samaira smile shyly and Neil came on top of her said
Neil:please always love me like this and I'll love u like this promise
Neil kiss on her forehead and Samaira also did Neil then kiss on her eyes and Samaira did the same Neil kiss on her cheeks and Samaira also kiss then Neil kiss on her lips hardly and Samaira kiss him back Neil moved down and kiss on her neck and shoulder and mumble on her neck
Neil:babe I just couldn't take my hands off of u i don't know why but i just can't get enough of u I want u so much whenever u r close to me I want to touch u it just feel so good feeling ur body against mine I love the feeling of ur body in my arms
Samaira hold Neil tightly and said
Samaira:I don't want to stay away from u Neil please never go away from me I want to be yours only I'm nothing if u won't love me
Neil looked at Samaira and kiss her Samaira kiss back and both kiss each other passionately then both release and hug each other and fall asleep in each others arms peacefully

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