Chapter 7. The Ending Battle And My Story Has Met It's End.

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The battle raged all around me as I ran around dodging blasts from Storm Troopers, I ran out of the Queen's chambers when I sent Ren backwards. I need to find Martin. "Lydia!" Yelled a very angry Kylo Ren from somewhere behind me. I made my way outside to see all of Martin's people getting slaughtered, I had to stop this. There wasn't time to find Martin, I needed to put an end to this, right now. The screams of the frightened people brought me back to the present, I stopped as I stood and watched what was going on. "You can't stop me, it's too late Lydia. There's nothing you can do, you are nothing. But don't worry, I'll make your death quick." Kylo Ren said from behind me. "No!" A boy yelled as I turned around just in time to see Martin jump in front of me as Kylo Ren brought his lightsaber forward, Martin got implied through the chest and stared blankly ahead. "No! Martin no!" I yelled as he fell to the ground once Kylo Ren took his lightsaber out, I knelt next to Martin, tears streaming down my cheeks. "No! Why'd you do that? Why did you save me!" I sobbed.

"I-I couldn't l-l-let y-you d-die. You.... To- in-important. S-save t-t-them. P-please." He choked out spitting out blood. "B-but your dyeing, why did you save me?" I asked. "I c-couldn't l-l-let y-you die." He said as his eyes blinked for the final time. "No! Martin!! D-don't leave me!!" I sobbed clenching his shirt as his eyes stared without seeing, he wasn't unmoving. "Ah, young love. You were in love with him sister, were you not?" Ren asked me. I wiped my tears away and stood, glaring at him. "You have hurt these people, you have hurt this kingdom. So you must suffer the consequences." I told him venomously. "What consequences?" He asked jokingly. "These consequences." I replied and with that I focused all my emotion into the sand at my feet and Kylo Ren was swept off his feet and thrown backwards. "Lydia! Stop this! You are no killer!!" Yelled a voice I recognized instantly, "Mom?" I yelled over my shoulder not taking my eyes off of Kylo Ren as he was getting pulled down by the sand. "Yes!" She yelled back, I moved my hand outwards to control the sand as I looked begin me, standing 15 yards aways was my mother, my father, and chewy. When did they get here? How did they get here? I thought to myself as I looked back to Kylo Ren. I started shaking. "Lydia, you must stop! He's too powerful! You're going to burn out!" Padmé said as she appeared beside me, along with my grandfather behind her.

"What will happen if I burn out" I asked her through clenched teeth, sand was soaring all around us, wind was going crazy, the wind was whipping my hair in all over the place as tears clouded my vision, threatening to fall. "You'll die, setting everything in your wake on fire." She said. "It would kill Kylo Ren though right?" I asked her. "You would have to be crazy to let yourself burn out though." She told me. "Yes or no?" I asked firmly. "Yes." She said hesitantly. "Thank you." I said and braced myself. "Can you take everyone to that world of yours?" I asked her. She furrowed. "Yes, but everyone would have to die in order for us to take them there." She told me. I looked around, body's littered the sand, every one of them, slaughtered like they meant nothing, were nothing. "Lydia! What are you doing?!" Dad yelled to me as I started to glow red. "I'm sorry!" I yelled back as I began to catch fire. It hurt so bad, like my whole body was on fire, which it was. "Lydia how could you?" Kylo Ren asked me. "You had to be stopped." I got out, and then gasped for air only for that to make it so much worse. "We'll see you soon sweetheart." Padmé said and disappeared with my Grandfather along with everyone but me, Kylo Ren, my parents and chewy. "Get... To.... Ship..." I said as loudly as I could master.

"No!" My mother sobbed, I looked over my hot and red and bloody shoulder to see my father pick my mother up and drape her over his shoulder as he and Chewy ran for their ship, they got on and the ship lifted up soon after. I looked back to where the man who I once called a brother was, all that was left above the surface was his hand. "I'm sorry." I whispered and screamed as everything went ablaze, myself included. I felt my skin dissolve and lastly, my eyes. I am Lydia Solo, and my story has come to an end. I thought then, everything went red and gold.
And this was the tale of the short life of Lydia Solo, Daughter of Princess Leia and Han Solo.

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