Chapter 6. Pieces Of The Puzzle Fit Together, But There's Always One Missing.

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Third Parson POV.

As Han ran into the room that Leia was in with Martin and Inigo, Leia turned towards him. She didn't say anything, just looked at him and then turned back to Martin and Inigo.

"Anyway, the ship is ready for us. So we should get going." She said to them and grabbed a pack, then she walked right past Han with Martin and Inigo.

Han sighed and grabbed a pack as well, then he turned and followed Leia and the strange looking boys.

Leia, Inigo and Martin were walking up a ship ramp when Han caught up. He followed them on and the ramp door closed behind him, the strange boys Han didn't know were sitting in the pilots chairs when he walked in, Leia was nowhere to be seen.

"Hello...." Martin said looking up at Han as he stood there staring at them.

Han shook his head clearing away his thoughts and said. "Hi, I am Caption Han Solo. Who are you?"

"Nice to meet you Caption Solo, I am Inigo and this is Prince Martin." Inigo introduced.

"Prince? Of what?" Han asked raising a brow.

"Egypt, that is on a plant called Earth." Martin said.

"Sure." Han said nodding.

"Have you seen Leia?" Han asked them.

"She went through there." Inigo said pointing towards a small door next to Martin.

"Thanks." Han said and went through it.

"Leia?" Han called as he took in the small room and didn't see her. Leia didn't reply, so Han decided to walk around the room. There was a couch, a small table with two chairs and a bed, as well as another door next to the bed that Han assumed was the washroom.

Han ran his hands through his hair exasperated, why were woman so difficult? Han flet the ship lift off the ground.

"Leia?" Han tried again and walked over to the washoom door slowly. Leia once again, said nothing, but a quiet sob came from inside. "Leia." Han sighed and opened the door to see Leia curled up on the floor near the sink with her head in her arms as she sat with her legs crossed.

"Go away!" Leia said as she looked away from him.

"No. You know you can't hid your feelings from me Sweetheart, I'm sorry if I messed up again. But please don't cry." Han said as he pulled Leia into his arms, she tried to fight it, but gave in and buried her face in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Leia said suddenly as she pulled away from him, she wouldn't meet his eyes.

"What for?" Han asked as he frowned.

"It's all my fault. Ben turning to the Darkside, Lydia disappearing. You leaving me. If I hadn't had Luke train Ben to be a Jedi when he was a child, he never would've gone to the Darkside! And Lydia would be here. And we would all still be together." Leia ranted as she looked at her hands in her lap.

Han's heart sank. "You don't think I left because of you, right?" He asked.

"That's what I just said! Damnit Han! Why can't you see that I love you? I never wanted you to leave! Yes we fight, but we never leave each other the way you did." Leia said hotly and then cooled down some at the end.

Han opened his mouth and closed it again. He really was an idot wasn't he? Slowly, he reached forward and took both of Leia's hands in his. He forced her to look at him and looked into her eyes.

"Leia, I didn't leave because of you. I know you love me and I you, but I needed space, everything was happening all at once and it was too much to handle. Don't think, for even a second, that I left because of you. It wasn't anything you did. I want to yell to the galaxy that I am in love with you, I have done that.

You're my light in the darkness I live in everyday, when you laugh it brings a smile to my face and I can't help but love you even more. You're my wife and you always will be, no matter what. And as for everything else, that isn't your fault either. Sometimes things happen for a reason. None of it was, and ever will be, your fault." Han said to Leia softly.

Leia gave him a small smile and then pulled him close, their lips were almost touching and-

"Ow!" Han yelled as he rubbed his cheek. Leia had slapped him in the face.

"That was for leaving me. But I forgive you now. Now come you scoundrel, we have a daughter to find." Leia told him and the two stood.

Han, who was still rubbing his cheek pouted at Leia. Leia laughed and pulled him into a kiss quickly. After they pulled apart, Leia grabbed Han's hand and pulled him back into the cockpit.

"We're here." Martin told them as the two entered.

They looked out the window and saw a lot of sand, and what appeared to be a battle. With a deep breath, Han and Leia left to try and save their daughter, and possibly their son.

Word count: 875. View count overall: 630. Comment count overall: 6. Votes overall: 17.

I am soooooo sorry I didn't put this up sooner, I had to get a new phone because my old one was having trouble and then once I got one I started having more medical proplems.

I feel better now but I'm sorry it took so long!!
Thank you to everyone who stayed with me through this short story and I hope you enjoyed​ it!

Even though I barely ever updated. I hope you all enjoyed this, I may do another SW Fanfic soon. We'll have to see what the future holds.

I never thought I'd get the responses I have gotten from this, so I greatly appreciate all of you. If you ever feel like talking, my DM's are always open.
Also, R.I.P Chester Bennington.
I love this song and his music will live on forever in our hearts.


May the force be with you.

Caitlyn. ❤


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