Chapter 9

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"(Y/n)... (Y/n). Wake up."

I feel someone shaking me. I open my eyes to see Kubo sitting next to me.

"We should get going as soon as possible. You should get ready. We want to get to your half before my aunts get there first." Kubo moves out of my way as he speaks.

I sit up and I get out of the covers. I put on my (f/c) yukata with its matching (s/f/c) obi.

I put Kubo's half of the stone in my pouch and I put it on my back.

I also put the sword I got earlier into it's scabbard and put that on my back as well, under the pouch. I can reach over my shoulder and grab the sword is I absolutely need to.

I eat breakfast quickly and I go to the mouth of the cave.

"Be good grandfather. We will be back as soon as we can." Kubo gives his grandfather a hug.

"Good luck you two. Be safe." Kubo's grandfather waves to us as we leave the cave.

The two of us wave back to him and we walk around the corner.

We climb down the mountain and into the field that lies between us and the town.

I halt after a few steps. "Wait a second... I don't know where the objects are..."

Kubo stops and turns around at my words.

"How did you find the armor when you had your own mission?" I ask.

"Well, when I was asleep, I was apparently calling out to my Dad, and I somehow folded a little paper version of him. Then he guided me to each piece."

"We probably can't do that now..." I mutter.

I sit down on a nearby rock.

Why didn't we think of this before... We only thought about the objects appearances and what we would need for ourselves...

I take out the little half-beetle from my bag and I move it around in my hand.

How are we going to get the robes and Kubo's armor...

Suddenly, the beetle in my hand starts to shake. I grab onto it wit both hands so it doesn't fall and break.

You know, a small part of me suspected this would happen...

I giggle at the thought, but I have to make sure the little stone doesn't break.

The one wing on the beetle opens up, and it somehow manages to fly up and out of my hand. The beetle doesn't go very far, so I catch it before it falls.

The beetle continues to struggle to fly out of my hands and to my right.

Kubo stares at the little half beetle.

I walk with the beetle in the direction it's trying to go. It stops fluttering and rests. I turn and walk in another direction, and the beetle starts flapping wildly and tries to turn back in the original direction.

"I guess the little beetle is our guide." Kubo says with an awkward smile.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Well, let's go!" Kubo says with a smile.

I nod my head and the two of us turn to our left and walk in the direction the beetle is taking us.

I place the little half beetle under my obi, and is uses one of it's little arms to hook onto the fabric. I slowly let go, so I can catch the little stone bug if it falls. The beetle holds on nicely, and I jump just to make sure it is holding on tight.

It is, so Kubo and I start to walk in the direction the beetle is leading us.

"Hey Kubo?"


"What should we call this little guy?" I ask talking about the little beetle hooked onto my obi.

"I think we should call him Beetle junior!" Kubo says with a smile.

Remembering his story, and how his father was a beetle for a long while, made me laugh.

"Maybe something else..." I say.

There is a pause.

"Why don't we think while we travel. It will give us something small to do." Kubo says.

I nod my head at the idea. The two of us continue to walk straight in the direction the beetle is guiding us to.

*Time skip*

The two of us have been walking for a few hours now. We are starting to get tired. We had even checked to see if the beetle hadn't stopped guiding us by turning another direction and walking a little bit.

We are currently walking through woods, and the beetle has us walking on a path. The little bug tells us which direction to go when there is a fork in road.

The path eventually widens up, and two or three paths have joined into this main one. We must be on a road now.

We continue to walk down the path, but when I look at the sun, I see that the sun will start to set soon. As if on cue, my stomach growls.

"Are you hungry (Y/n)? Kubo asks.

I nod my head.

"Alright, lets rest on the side of the road then." Kubo says.

Kubo sits down on the grass on the trunk of a tree. He pats the grass next to him motioning for me to sit with him.

I sit right next to him and he takes off his bag. He grabs some berries in a pouch from his bag and then pours a large handful into his hands.

He holds out that hand to me.

"Here. Take these." Kubo says.

He smiles warmly as he hands me the berries.

He smile makes me grow a little nervous sitting next to him.

Why does he just have to smile and I get nervous?!

I take the berries and I pop a few in my mouth. I continue until the berries are gone.

"Where are we going to stay for the night?" I ask.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. But if this path widened up and became a road, I'm sure there must be a town nearby. We could find a place to stay there." Kubo says.

"But who knows how far that could be." I say.

Kubo pats my shoulder. My heart starts to pound.

"Then we better get walking." Kubo says as he smiles at me.

Kubo gets up and hold a hand out. I take it and he pulls me off the ground.

He moves a bit of his hair behind his ear.

He is really good looking... And strong too...

Stop it (Y/n)!

The two of us start to walk down the path the beetle told us to go to. As we walk I steal a few glances at Kubo.

Do I like him?

A Story's Beginning (Kubo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now