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"Have you gotten to talk to Zayn and-or Liam lately?"

"Uh, not much. One of my classes is with Liam, but it just happens to be the busiest one with absolutely no spare time."

Harry hummed in response. "Do you think we haven't been talking to them enough?"

"They understand. They're busy, too. I text them as much as I can, and they're as swamped with schoolwork as we are. They get it, and they're not mad or offended or upset about it."

"You're sure?"

"A hundred percent, baby. Don't worry so much." Louis kissed Harry briefly. "They don't hate us."

"Good." Harry smiled at Louis for a few moments. "Should we make it a priority to spend time with them?"

"I'll bring it up to them. You know how we're using any free moments we can find to spend time with each other? They're having to do that too. I'm not saying it's ideal, but they're in the same position as us. They're having to fight for date time, just like us."

"How are they?"

Louis looked confused. "Uh, yeah, they're fine. I mean, college is a pain in the ass, but they're making it through."

"That's not what I meant. I meant, like, their relationship. Them as a whole."

"Oh. Well, we haven't had a lot of time to catch up much. They've gotten closer, but that's really all I know. Usually when we get a couple free minutes to text or even talk, their relationship isn't the first thing they think of."

"Okay," Harry said, lightly rubbing his fingers across Louis's wrist where it rested on his waist.

"Do you want me to set up a hangout session or double date or something so that you don't feel so worried about friends growing apart anymore?"

"If you want to," Harry murmured from his position — Louis was facing him, and they were laid chest-to-back. Louis's hand moved to brush Harry's hair from his boy's face.

"You sound kind of sad, love. They're your friends, too, you know. You don't have to get my permission to go talk to them."

"I know. I just thought that if all four of us went to the same college, we wouldn't have to worry about growing apart. The last time I heard about Liam and Zayn's relationship drama was during the summer. It just feels like Uni is sucking the life right out of us."

Louis kissed Harry's jaw gently. "We're okay, H. It's not even December yet. Just because our first couple months haven't been the smoothest, it doesn't mean we don't have any friends besides each other. We're not losing them."

"Alright. Yeah, you're right." Harry turned his body so he was facing Louis. "I'm glad our relationship isn't strained because we're so busy. I like even just being able to do schoolwork with you and call it a date."

"Me, too. Those are my favorite kind of dates, actually."

Harry smiled fondly. "They are not. Your favorite dates are the ones that require little to no clothing."

Louis grinned. "Am I that easy to read?"

"Very much so."

"Okay, well, the point is that I like any date with you."

"That was sweet," Harry said, laughing and kissing Louis briefly. "You've been so sweet lately. I like it."

"I'm always sweet," Louis told him, falsely cocky.

"Of course." Harry rolled his eyes fondly. "How could I possibly forget?"

"I don't know. Maybe you should rethink your title as 'good boyfriend.'"

Harry stuck his tongue out at him. He liked how easy their banter was, like they could make any conversation fun just by being around each other.

"I'm just messing with you, love," Louis said, sitting down next to Harry and kissing his cheek. "You're a very good boyfriend."

"I know," Harry quipped, and Louis playfully and lightly hit Harry's shoulder.

/ / / \ \ \

All throughout high school, Harry had heard the same thing:

"Your professors at Uni wouldn't let you do this, so why would I?"

And, because no one knew what the professors were like in Uni, no one fought it. But now that he's actually in Uni and he's been there long enough to actually know some stuff about it, he's realized that Uni professors are nothing like high school teachers.

"Alright, so I'll send the link to the notes later. Hopefully you'll decide that you actually want to care about this class and take a look at them, but if you decide that you don't care, well, that's fine too. Uh, the paper's due on Wednesday. Email me if you have any questions; I'll try to reply. If I don't, I'm sure you'll find a way. Okay, class dismissed."

Harry couldn't help but chuckle a little. The class technically wasn't over until about half an hour later, but this professor was particularly uncaring about the schedule and usually let his students out early, since they didn't do too much while in the lecture hall.

Harry, being the amazing boyfriend he was, had memorized Louis's schedule and knew that he didn't have any classes at that exact moment, so he called him.

"Hey," Louis answered.

"Hey. You in your room?"

Louis hummed his "yes."

"Is Xander there?"

"No, he just left for class. You coming over?"

"Are you busy?" Harry asked.

"Not necessarily. I mean, I'm working on stuff, but I'll have time later."

"Good. Yeah, I'm coming over. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"See you soon," Louis said, smiling.

Harry ended the call with a kissing noise and an, "I love you," before playing his music through his earbuds and walking to their building.

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