Jumin x Reader [Skater AU]

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Song: I'll See You Again by Lowlife

Jumin spun around in a circle,letting his feet go on their tip toes as he spread his arms out like a swam, jumping into the air earning an applause from the audience.

I held my breath. Clutching my skirt tightly. "Jumin! You can do!!" The other skaters yelled making my heart leap as he did a quadruple lulz in the air into a quad. He had to do his best. He had to.

His feet nearly gave out, earning a gasp from the audience but he fakes it out by going into a triple quad to one lulz. (I have a feeling it's not what it's called) Thankfully he landed them perfectly without any set backs. The audience roared in approval when his step sequence went perfectly.

There were no words from me when tears pooled out from my eyes. The theme Jumin was going for this season was Sadness. I didn't need any other explanation on why he chose that theme because around that time me and him broke up. It was the usual 'it's not you it's me' it was because of our status'. His family wanted him to date a rich woman but I was just a 'lowlife commoner.' Me and him had just agreed on it but deep down we didn't want that. As I figured all of this out I made eye contact with him, his eyes widening as he made his quad but didn't land it. The Audience gasped.

'Jumin please. Hear me... Do your best. I love you.' I think, standing up now. The audience was on their feet cheering madly. There were a few jeers in the background but I sent dirty looks their way.  I felt the tears fall faster. 'You dummy you thought I wasn't going to go to the one thing we loved to do together.' I think as well, wiping my eyes at best as I could. Saeyoung would be skating next. His theme was of course Sex Appeal. That little shit could give me an ulcer. There's something else though that bugs me.

The form that Jumin was composing was bad. His structure was hunched over but he quickly fixed it, going to into a quad and then a triple quad toe loop giving the crowd another reason to cheer. He was certainly one of the favorites in the Grand Prix Finals. Jumin said that this would be the last year he'd ever skate again. Thus he was retiring just to go be the head of the CEO but he loved skating. It must have been something to do with his father.

I felt my heart clench as he finished his performance with the pose he always chose. Jumin seemed to be in a rush to get back into the over part of the ring where his couch greeted him by patting his shoulder. He would be interviewed while Saeyoung would be skating so I got up to head down to the curtains separating Jumin and me. I was a VIP since I would be skating to with the female side which so happened to involve Jaehee since she was one of my best friends. When I peaked my head around the corner I saw the score and was surprised myself. About 221.67 points in total leaving him in first place.

The interview continued, me watching from behind the curtain until Jumin looked over. On instinct I hid my face behind the curtain only to have an irritated Jumin pop out with an angry look but it almost quickly died down and was replaced with regret, sadness, and guilt. "Jumin. You uh... did really good so I came to congratulate you."

"Yes thank you." Jumin said, continuing to stare at me as if waiting for something. "I didn't expect you to come."

That's when it hit me. We could talk like we used to. At least not in public out the whole entire world would find out. I didn't want that so I turned on my heal ready to leave until Jumin grabbed my hand, dipping me. Our noses were touching, our breathing mixing together. That's when I couldn't take it, me wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing him into a kiss. Neither of us pulled away for a while until the flash of a camera caught my attention.

And there stood a sneaky Zen, smirking at us before running away. That didn't stop Jumin from bringing me into another kiss.

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