I'm Yours

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Writed By: newtts-scamander (Tumblr)

Warning: Smut


Your back rested against the headboard of Newt’s bed, staring at the stacks of books and vinyls which stood upright on the desk in the corner of the room. The room smelt of a particular musky cologne you had grown quite an attachment to, mixed with an erray of flowers which were perched on a shelf above you. A cool breeze floated from the open window, creating a ripple effect of goose bumps to appear on your skin. It was dark, the only source of light intruding on the rooms eerie peacefulness was coming from the shower. Closing your eyes, your back sunk down onto the mattress as the sound of water droplets hitting the ground and the faint sound of Newt’s humming ceased.

The lights flicked off, the door creaking, interrupting the short silence you were basking in. A patter of footsteps neared the end of the bed, stopping as it dipped. An unwanted tension clung to the atmosphere as soon as Newt lay down next to you, his back turned to you.

“Newt… About earlier today, those guys at the pub, they meant nothing.” You spoke quietly, your voice small, scared that you both might begin arguing for the third time that night. “All I want is you. You know that.” 

Newt swung his legs off the bed, his black boxers were pulled up as he began pacing. With both hands grabbing his hair he let out an exasperated sigh, looking down at the street below his apartment. You sat up once again, clutching the duvet, your lips pressed against the warm material, seeking comfort from it.

“Look, (Y/N), you just don’t understand. These guys, they throw themselves at you. I just don’t- I just can’t understand-“ Newt’s voice was loud, confused. With each word it became darker, huskier, urgency laced in his tone. His head was bowed, wet hair falling in front of his face as his palms pressed to the window sill.

“You’re mine.” He spoke firmly. You couldn’t decipher what it was, but as soon as those words fell from those lips, your legs pressed together tightly. You were slightly taken aback by his sudden possessive nature, nevertheless, you were slightly turned on by his new found confidence.

Soon enough a pair of arms were sliding up your legs, accompanied by a warm and wet pair of lips. You whimpered slightly, your eyes closed, enjoying the hot shivers shooting up your spine.

“You like that, baby?” Newt hummed, his face pressing steady kisses up the length of your body, painfully slow. You groaned in reassurance that you definitely liked that. He made sure to kiss every inch of your body, teasingly. Your body was hot, but when Newt’s cold, wet hair fell to your skin, you trembled at the sensation.

“Newt…” You spoke breathlessly, looking down at his forest green eyes, which were alight with fire. You were flustered.

“Do you think those boys could make you feel as good as I do?” His voice was raspy, your hands reaching up, pulling slightly at his hair. Desperately, he yanked his shirt that you were wearing over your head. Your back arched as his tongue made a bold stripe between both of your breasts, blowing down on the wet area, your nipples hardened as soon as Newt’s hand reached up to make contact with them, squeezing. Your legs wrapped around his lower back, trying to pull him down to meet your hips, begging for him to touch you where you most needed it. He moved down, desperate to taste you. You were absolutely speechless.

“Would they know that you are sensitive right,” Newt paused, sucking right beneath your ear, you immediately let out a soft mewl, your head tilting to give him more access. “Here?”

“Would they know that my darling gets turned on when I call her baby?” His voice was so quiet. With each word, hot air was blown into your ear, making you feel dizzy and weak. “Ain’t that right, baby?”

“No-I, oh.” You whimpered, his wet lips pressed kisses against your heat, where moisture had begun to gather, his breath tickling between your thighs. That feeling alone had you desperately searching for his lips.

“Whose are you, beautiful?” He spoke, his voice raspy as he removed your panties at a painstakingly slow rate. You moaned in frustration as he let out a breath of cool air against your slit, making your arousal more noticeable. You mumbled something incoherently, growing too distracted by the handsome man between your legs. “Mine?”

“Huh? I didn’t quite catch that one, darling.” He spoke, your burning eyes meeting briefly before his hand gently pushed circles against your clit. Your eyes squeezed shut instantly, letting out a loud moan, your hips jerked at the sudden contact. Your hands found your way to Newt’s curls, ushering his head down lower.

“I’m-“ You gasped. Delving his tongue into your wetness, lapping, he created more pressure on your clit. Your hands involuntarily scrunched his hair, drawing him even closer. With your head tilted back, you could barely make out your next sentence.

“Yours, Newt. I’m- oh Merlin, I’m yours.” You gasped, his plump lips sucking on your clit, making your legs shake slightly every time he removed his sweet lips from you. A hot, burning heat growing in your stomach.

“Tell me again.” He had stopped completely, looking up to you, a dark expression graced his handsome features. Your head tilted back, murmuring the words to yourself, looking at the table to your left. This is so embarrassing. Since when was he this confident in bed? You stifled a laugh.

Newt bent your legs, bringing himself towards your mouth, allowing himself to press his body tightly to yours. You could feel his prominent bulge being pressed down on your heat, the material of his boxers creating a friction you didn’t know you needed, letting you release a throaty moan out the sensation.

“What’s so funny, baby?” He whispered into your ear, bending down to meet your lips in a rushed kiss. You held his mouth to yours as he began grinding slowly, the light pressure not barely enough to keep you satisfied. Looking down, Newt saw the pure lust and excitement that hinted in your eyes.

In a quick movement, Newt sat up against the headboard, his legs spread open. You gulped, confused at what was happening. He patted the space between his legs, beckoning you to come lay there.

“C’mon, beautiful.” You blushed slightly, as you made your way over, unaware of what was about to happen. Carefully, Newt placed his toned arms on the top of your thighs, rubbing up and down your thighs gently, slowly spreading them apart.

With his head right beside yours, his front pressed tightly to your back, his large hands rubbing all over your body, yet let out a hot breath of air. Slightly overwhelmed about being so close, you titled your head back, gasping, as Newt’s thumb swiped over your wetness. Bringing it up to his lips, he hummed in satisfaction. A shiver travelled down your spine at the sound of it.

Newt brought two digits down to your clit, this time adding just the right amount of pressure, your breath came out in short puffs, trying to not move away from his grasp, your lower back writhing against him.

“I’m yours, holy, yeah- oh,” You spoke cried out. Newt smiled in satisfaction, quickening his pace slightly, his hips bucking as he heard his name tumbling from your luscious lips. He wouldn’t be able to keep this up for much longer. Pressing your squirming hips back down to him, his mouth tilted open, letting out a throaty moan, feeling you grind down on his thick erection.

The fast paced rhythm Newt had been keeping up began to falter, moving your hands to rake through his hair, pulling slightly as you squeezed your eyes shut. The next few seconds became a blur of swear words and Newt’s name falling from your lips. Your head pressed tightly into Newt’s chest, your body shaking slightly as you felt a wet heat on your lower back.

Panting, your legs shook as Newt held you close, his fingers still massaging small circles to your wetness. You let out a breath of air, looking up to Newt who was staring down at you in awe.

“Yours?” You whispered, Newt’s arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Holding Newt’s jaw, you connected your lips in a kiss full of passion and another emotion you couldn’t quite place your finger on. Looking up to his eyes, they sparked with something new; protectiveness.


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