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"Next stop, Gravity Falls." Kit sighed in relief; she didn't really want to start a new book at the moment. Putting her book away, Kit started to gather her bags. 'Well I'm nearly there,' she thought. When the bus stopped, Kit got up and walked down the aisle.

"Thank you," she said to the bus driver with her Scottish accent pronounced.

"No probs," he said in a thick American accent. Hopping down from the bus, Kit around but there was no one there. Sighing, Kit decided to walk into town. Staring at the shops, Kit tried to find someone to help her. Not looking where she was going, she bumped into a person.

"Ah sorry dude," the person said and helped her up. Kit looked up to see a 15 year old girl with long red hair in a green flannel shirt.

"Nah, it's my fault, I'm trying to find someone to help me, but I don't where he lives," Kit told the girl.

"I'll help you, do you have anything to help you?" the girl asked.

"Oh,I have this photograph," she replied and handed it to the red head.

"Oh so you're the girl the old codger was talking about."

"Excuse me?"

"I work for this dude at the Mystery Shack. I'll show you there," the girl offered.

"Thank you." The girl nodded her head.

"So what's your name?" the girl asked.


"Mine's Wendy, Wendy Corduroy."

Walking with Wendy, Kit told her all about Scotland and her family. In return, Wendy told her about Gravity Falls. They finally made it to the Mystery Shack.

"Well, I'll leave you here kiddo, say hi to Dipper and Mabel for me," Wendy said.

"Sure thing," Kit replied, waving goodbye and went to sit on the chair on the patio. For two hours, Kit listen to music on her I-pod and read a book. While she was listening to 'Motor City (I Get Lost)' by James Reyne and Daryl Braithwaite, she saw an old man in a fez and suit, a girl in a wolf howling at the moon sweater, a boy in a vest and a Pinetree hat, and a large baby - like man in a question mark shirt. Kit got out her photograph and then looked at the old man; they looked exactly the same. Standing up, Kit waited for them to reach her.

"Who are you?" the old man asked rudely.

Kit laughed. "I'm Catherine Pines."

The old man smiled and obviously said to the twins, "Kids, meet your cousin from Scotland, Kit."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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