Mina X You X Dahyun

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+Dahyun POV+
I was outside the bathroom stall fixing my make up when I heard Sana unnie's voice. "KYAAAHHH!! PERVERT!!" I got alearted by her scream that I enter the bathroom stall.

Great. Just great. I'm inside a bathroom stall with a girl standing on the toilet screaming. Another girl popped out again. "Sana unnie--" She looked at me when she realized that the reason of the scream was me. I pulled the other girl inside. "Why are you here?" Girl on the toilet asked. "First of all, put your pants on. I'm here because of sasengs. They followed me." I said. "Are you an idol?" The other girl asked. "They assumed I know TWICE. And forced me out of another mall." I said. "Well um, we are members of TWICE." Girl 1 said. "I'm Sana and the girl you pulled in this stall is Dahyun." After Sana's statement, we heard footsteps. "We heard SaiDa is here. And you too Y/N. Come out now and just admit it." One of them said. "Stand on the toilet." I said. "Or your sasengs will know your here." They both stood on the toilet. The sasengs never left. "Sana, pretend your peeing and when one of them comes in scream and tell them they're a pervert. Dahyun I'll send you to the other stall and you do the same." I said. She nodded and followed me out. "Where's TWICE Y/N?" They asked when they noticed me. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said and casually walked to the stall next to Sana's and let Dahyun in. "We'll check the stalls." They said. They went in Dahyun's. "YOU PERVERTS!!" She shouted angrily and the slapped them. Then they went in Sana's. "KYAAAHHH!! PERVERTS!!" Sana said and hit them. "Byuntaes!" I flicked their foreheads. They nearly charged at me and I closed my eyes. After a while I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and saw sasengs very scared. "J-Jihyo?!" They sounded scared. "Get outta here. NOW!" I presume 'Jihyo' said. They ran immediately. "Now tell me, where's my members?" She faced me. "They're at the stalls." I answered. She fetched Sana and Dahyun. "Thanks, Y/N." Jihyo said. Wait, how did she know my name? "Jihyo?" I suddenly blurted out. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me. "Hmm?" She faced me. "N-nothing. Thank you." I said. She giggled. "No problem. I just find you quite....interesting." She said and left.
×a year later×
I sat at the end of the coffee shop watching people come & go. Even idols come here. I was relaxing until I noticed a familiar figure. Jihyo? I grabbed my coat and phone and went closer. 8 other girls poured in and I went back to my seat. I met eyes with Dahyun for a second and I knew she knows me. She started to come close to me. She stopped in front of me and smiled. "So you never told us your name but, how did Jihyo unnie know your name?" Dahyun asked. I honestly don't know why too. I sighed, unable to answer her question. "Okay, nevermind my question. Just tell me your name." She said. "Y/N." I said. She gasped and nearly dropped her coffee. "I better go." Dahyun said, clearly holding her tears back. She dashed out of the coffee shop. Who are you people really? I seem to remember the same incident happening somewhere before, but I don't know when. I snapped back to reality when someone patted my shoulder. "Don't force yourself to remember what happened. The both of you will just get hurt." Jihyo said. "What do you mean?" I said. "All will be revealed soon." She shortly said and walked away. "Wait." I said and she stopped. "I need an explanation." I said. "If you remember what you did then, you'll find the answer there." She said. "What?" I said, very confused. Jihyo sat in front of me. "Dahyun will get hurt if you force your heart to love her." Jihyo said, stood up and left. I was left dumbfounded. I looked at my wrist to see the same bracelet that was given to me 3 years ago. I sighed. I payed for my coffee and went out. I directly went to Han River. As I stood by the river, I looked at my wrist again. Dahyun. You're... No! It can't be! "HOW FRUSTRATING!!" I shouted, ruffling my hair in frustration. A tear dropped from my eye. Jihyo was right, Dahyun will get hurt if I remember. I heard people talking behind me. "Oh, hey Y/N." Mina said which made my head snap at her. "Oh, uh, hi." I said and smiled. I noticed Dahyun was with her. They were about to go when... "Dahyun! Wait!" I shouted as she turned back. She came to me and hugged me. I looked at her wrist to see the same bracelet I was wearing. It is her. But then...

"Y/N, meet Mr. and Mrs. Myoui and their daughter Mina." Dad said. "We have decided to merge so, you have to be Mina's significant other. Please do well Y/N." Mom said...
Flashback end.
"I...I'm sorry Dahyun. I...I didn't mean to leave you like this.." I hugged her tight. She just sighed and pulled away from the hug. "I understand. Mina unnie told me everything." She said and pulled Mina's arm and let her sit beside me. "You look cute together!" She exclaimed rather bitterly. "..." I just stayed quiet. "Dahyun your so bitter." Mina said. "No, I'm not!" Dahyun defended herself.

"Yes, you are!"
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"See? You admitted it." Dahyun said. I just sighed. "The truth is you really are cute together so--" I kissed Dahyun to shut her up. When I pulled away, she was blushing madly. "Bye you two love birds!" Mina said and ran off leaving me and Dahyun. I kissed her again, but this time she kissed back. "Give me a chance?" I said. "No. Mina unnie and you look cute together." She said. "Mina supports us, so why don't we get back together?" I said. Dahyun sighed. "Fine." She said and kissed my cheek

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