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You don't know how it came to happen, or when it started but somehow, you always end up sleeping with her. Just like now. You awoke in your room, beside you was your best friend, your clothes laying on the side of the bed as if she had arranged them before heading to bed herself.

Your alarm clock blares, loud rings echoing through the room, fully reminding you of the situation your currently in. You turn the clock off as you swiftly kicked the covers off you and grabbing your shirt and pants. This isn't right. You had told yourself.

You put your clothes on and stared at the girl sleeping peacefully on your bed, the marks you've made the night before are still visible on her neck. You sighed, leaning in to kiss her. The kiss doesn't last long as your phone vibrates, indicating that someone had sent you a message

From: JeongYoo

Hey, come to the office now.

Bring Sana. 

✔️ Read, 9:26am

You rolled your eyes. Oh for fuck's sake.. You texted back a reply, looking back to her. "Get changed. You're coming with me." You didn't care if your tone came out harsh. You left the room, leaving her confused. You quickly did your morning routine and changed into some decent wear.

She came out of your room just as you put your shoes on. "Are you okay?" She inquires, worry coating her usually sweet voice. Your marks were obviously covered. You didn't respond and instead went out, with her trailing behind. 

You drove to your office, high security greeting you both. Sana and you simply showed your ID as you went to look for Jeongyeon. You found her in her office, together with her was her girlfriend, Nayeon. Sana stood quietly, seemingly troubled. 

"Sana, are you dating her?" Sana hesitates to answer before you did for her with a stern "No." Sana seemed hurt by your response but she stayed quiet nonetheless. Jeongyeon shot a worried glance at Sana, which you failed to notice.

She stood silently for a while until you spoke up. "I don't--" "I think I'll excuse myself for now." Sana suddenly spoke up, leaving the room. Jeongyeon sighs with Nayeon following Sana outside. 

"Can you just stop hurting her, Y/N?" Jeongyeon spat at you, annoyance dripping from her usual playful voice. "Stop hurting Sana!" She raises her voice at you, slamming her hands on her desk. "Why do you always deny her?! What wrong has she done to you?!"

Jeongyeon was furious. Jeongyeon loved Sana, yes. But unbeknownst to you, Sana had loved you even before you started sleeping with her. Jeongyeon hated you for being naive, and sometimes just plain stupid.

Jeongyeon breathed out, speaking again. "Why do you always hurt her? She loves you, Y/N! She fucking loves you!" You were shocked at the information. "So stop. Because every time you deny her, every single time, every inch of her aches and her world crashes down."

It's been a week. Sana hasn't contacted you since your talk with Jeongyeon. You were worried that you hurt her badly this time so you called her over. There was a soft beep of the door, indicating it's been unlocked.

You welcomed Sana like you always did. She sat next to you, an obvious space between the two of you. Sana wasn't clingy like she always was and she showed up in jeans and a long sleeved shirt for the first time in your place.

You sighed. She was obviously putting distance between the two of you, so you decided to move closer to her. She move to the edge and you moved closer once again. You held her shoulders and kissed her. She just lets you kiss her, not kissing back. 

You pull away, a confused look on your face. Sana doesn't say anything. Your hand moves towards the hem of her shirt but she stopped you. "Stop." She says softly, removing your hand on her. "Sana--" "I'm sorry. This is wrong, Y/N. As you said, we're not dating. We can't do this."

You frowned. "Sana.." "Y/N, it's true. We're best friends, not a couple. I just thought we had something special..I thought this meant something to you. I-I just thought you returned my feelings.." You felt guilty.

"Sana, I love you." "You're just saying that out of lust." "It's true, Sana. I love you." "You don't. You just love me because you can fuck me whenever you want and--" You kiss her, pouring in all your feelings. It took a while for her to respond to your kiss, with you pulling off for air.

"Sana, I love you and I mean it. Not because I can do you whenever I want but because I really love you." Sana doesn't say anything, instead she stands, getting ready to leave. "See you tomorrow, Y/N." Sana was about to leave when you stopped her, grabbing her wrist.

"Do you believe me, Sana?" Sana didn't say anything as she softly kissed you, and you kissed back almost automatically. She pulls away, hugging you. "I'm giving you a chance, Y/N. Please don't break my heart this time." Sana smiles at you, making your heart do back flips.

"I love you so much.." Sana smiles against you once again. "I love you too, Y/N.." She pulls away. "Can you stay overnight?" Sana nods. "I guess my parents won't mind." She fishes your phone from your pocket, texting her parents she won't be home tonight.

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