Sana Imagine

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There will be some Japanese here. Again, I used google translate since Japanese is not my mother tongue. I don't mean to make fun of Japanese people out there. (You people are awsome!)
I was practicing basketball in the gym with some of my friends when our student council president, Jihyo, waved to me together with a new student. Jihyo has always been a good friend of mine. She takes care of me always. But this new student seem familiar. Sana? "That's our basketball team's Team captain, L/N Y/N." Jihyo said. I immediately stopped playing and went to them. "Hi! My name is Minatozaki Sana. I'm from Japan. You can call me Sana!" She said. "Hi, I'm-- Wait, did you say.." I asked her and she nodded. "Perhaps, do you know me?" I said. "Sorry, no. I don't remember anyone named Y/N as far as I could remember." Sana said. "So you don't remember me...私はそれが起こるかもしれないと思う...(I guess that could hapen...)" I mumbled. "Were you saying something?" Sana asked. "No, nothing." I said. "Wait, where's Jihyo?" I asked. "She said she needed to go somewhere." Sana answered. "Oh, by the way, can you tour me around the school?" She asked me. "Didn't Jihyo tour you?" I asked. "Nope, she didn't. She must've forgotten." Sana said. "Let's do it tomorrow." I said and she nodded. It got a bit awkward since my teammates got home, plus it was getting dark outside and it's snowing. "Do you want me to send you home? I mean, it's already dark outside and it's snowing." I said. "No, it's fine. I told my parents I would go home late today." She said. "It's 6:45pm aren't you hungry?" I said. "Not really." She said. "Hang on, I'll get changed then we could go eat." I said and dashed to the locker room. I got changed and went out to see Sana waiting for me, sitting on a bench. "Hey Sana." I called her. She smiled at me. "So let's go?" I said and held out my hand. She took it. We went to the nearby convenience store. While walking, I noticed that Sana didn't bring anything to keep her warm. She was trying so hard to keep herself warm so I put my jacket over her. She looked at me. "How about you?" She said and I smiled at her. "Nevermind me. I'm fine." I said. "But--" "I'm fine. No need to worry." I cut her. "Thank you, Y/N." She mumbled. "That's nothing." I said. "You heard me?" She asked. "Hmm? Yeah, you're right beside me." I said. When we reached the convenience store, we payed for two ramens and began eating, well not until our school's flirt came in. "Hi, Sana am I right?" Peter, our school's #1 flirt said. Sana began speaking in Japanese to me. "彼はそんな奴だ。(He's such a flirt.)" Sana said and I nodded.
"I'm the football team captain, Peter. Nice to meet you." He said. "私のガールフレンドであるふりをする、それは唯一の方法です。(pretend to be my girlfriend, it's the only way out.)" I said. "だけど - (But-)" "お願いします?それは唯一の方法です。(Please? It's the only way out.)" She kept quiet. Then, Peter started showing off to Sana, which finally made her decide. "ファイン。(Fine.)" She said. "Bro, she got a boyfriend/girlfriend, stop flirting with her." I said sternly, which Sana agreed to. "Who?" Peter asked. "Y/N." Sana answered and gave me a knowing look. "Wha--" "Shut up and go home." He got cut by Jihyo. Well, to tell you, he tried flirting with Jihyo and he ended up in the clinic, so he was always scared of her. "Ji-Jihyo?!" He exclaimed. "Got that right. Now shut your big mouth and go home. Or else..." Before Jihyo could continue, he ran off. "You both okay?" She asked. We both nodded. "Y/N, buy me ramyun juseyo~" Jihyo used aegyo to me and I rolled my eyes. "Oh, shut up, Jisoo." I said and she pouted. "You're so mean." She said. "Deal with it." I stuck my tongue out. "Can I have your ramen?" Sana asked. "Sure." I smiled. "Come on, I'll buy you one." I said to Jihyo. I payed for two ramens and I sat beside Sana while Jihyo sat beside me. After we finished eating, I sent Sana and Jihyo home home and went to my dorm. I went in. "I'M HOME~~~~" I said in a sing-song tone to be welcomed by my 3 dorm mates. Momo, Mina, and Tzuyu. "I got informed that Sana's your classmate. How's it going with her?" Momo asked. "My 'childhood' friend doesn't remember me." I said as I walked to the kitchen to get myself a can of coffee. We heard a knock outside. As I was opening the can, I opened the door to see Sana with a flyer in her hand. "A student informed me about this. This is yours right?" She asked and I nodded. "Is it still open? Are you still looking for a roommate?" She asked. "Yeah. We're still open." I said. "When do you want to move in?" Momo asked. "Anytime. But Next week will be better." Sana said. "Cool. We'll just inform you when it's ready." Mina said. "Thanks guys." Sana said. "Um, I need to go. See you guys tomorrow." Sana waved goodbye and smiled brightly before skipping away happily. "Welp, I guess me and Y/N's room need another bed since we're 5 now." Mina said. "Yes. Coz me and Tzuyu will never share our bedroom." Momo said. I rolled my eyes.
|time skip (to make this faster)|
It's been two weeks and we still didn't get a bed for Sana so Momo tried asking her dad for money. "Hello, I'm sorry to ask you but, we need money..yeah...oh really?!...thanks papa...bye!" Momo was smiling happily. "So?" I asked. "He'll send ¥20,000." Momo said. "That's... ₩206,085 to be exact." Tzuyu said. "That should be enough for Sana's bed." Mina said. "I hope so." I said.
|The day the money was sent. (Sorry! I need to do it.)|
We are currently in the mall. "This is the cheapest but the quality looks like shit." Momo said. "Let's buy this! It's expensive but has good quality." Tzuyu said. "It's ₩138,064.09." I said. "We'll have around ₩68,020.91 left." Mina said. At the end, we bought the expensive one cause quality matters ya know? So anyway, we drove home and assembled the bed and told Sana she could move anytime.
|time skip  (oh my gee I'm so sorry.)|
It's 2:37am right now. I couldn't sleep so I tried waking Mina up since it was Saturday anyway. I was in the lower bunk and Mina was in the upper bunk and Sana had her own bed. "Psst. Mina? Psssst." I called and there was no answer. I guess she's not awake yet. I sighed I looked to my side and tried to sleep.
-In the morning-
I woke up earlier than I thought and heard noises in the kitchen. Probably Tzuyu. I stood up to see Sana still sleeping and Mina facing the wall with headphones on. I don't know what she's doing tho. It's either sleeping, playing games on her phone, doing 'important' stuff, or listening to music. I went out to see Tzuyu cooking some fried eggs and bacon. "Need any help?" I said half asleep. "Yes, please." She said. I went to cook some bacons while she took care of the eggs. I heard a loud 'Thud' coming from our room. "Probably Sana tripping over nothing again." I said and Tzuyu nodded. I went out to the nearest bench just outside the dorm. I sighed. "I wish I could just confess to you and Tell you I was your Childhood friend, (insert a random Japanese name here). You were my first love and I stayed loyal to you, Sana.." I thought out loud. "Hey, um, the food's ready." Sana said. "I'm not hungry. You guys can eat without me." I said. Sana then sat down beside me. "So you were him/her." Sana said. "...huh?" I asked quite confused. "(insert a random Japanese name here), my childhood friend, You're him/her." Sana said. "Yes. I'm (insert a random Japanese name here). Well, before. I changed my name." I said. "No wonder you were awkward around me when we were kids, up until now." Sana said. "You never confessed to me. Why tho?" Sana continued. "I was scared to be rejected." I said. "You were actually my first love too. Ever since you left Japan, I felt empty." Sana said and rested her head on my shoulder. "I thought those feelings would be gone but then they came back when I met you this year." She continued. "Sana, I have to say it now." I paused. "I... love you." I said. "I love you too, Y/N. I always have and I always will." She said and looked up and kissed me and I kissed back.
+two years later+
"So Momo, how was it?" I said. She laughed knowing the story was cheesy. "It's good." Momo said while laughing. "I agree with Momo it was a good story." Sana said..

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