Chapter 6

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I was impatiently tapping my foot , being in the waiting room was bringing back memories . I wouldn't have minded if they were regular memories , but they weren't , they were unwanted and unwelcome memories .

The ones that I had worked so hard to push to the back of my head , that ones that punched me in my chest and gut . The ones that squeeze my heart uncomfortably .

Hera was seated beside me in the black couch , nervously biting her tiny nails . If it weren't for the fact that I already had been in that situation multiple times I too would have been in her state .

But going through it with Anne , Matt and then Alex made me realise that they somehow always get recruited . Maybe because fate only puts them in a situation that they can handle . But I'm no psychiatrist or philosopher   I just have super random and deep thoughts so I don't know .

I sit back and rub Hera's back attempting to comfort her . I offered her a weak smile which she returned with trembling version of her own .

I retreated to my thoughts and succumbed to yet another flash back or as I call it a daymare .

I sat on the cushioned window sill and stared at the evergreen pine trees . I  pushed the window desperately wanting to go out and take a lungful of the sweet sap scented air .

To my surprise it actually budged , only a centimetre . The cool breeze immediately barged in , tagging along with it was smell of freedom . I pushed harder and it swung halfway open . My feet itched ,almost dragging me to push it more and get out . I shifted , propping my heels on the window to push further . But before I could push any further I was interrupted by the sound of laughter . Oh no , they can't catch me . If they do they might think that I'm running away .
The sounds were quiet far away but they were getting closer .

I hurriedly pushed the window and looked through to determine its from the ground height .

Luckily for me it was on the ground floor.

With the sounds of lively chatting filling my ears I clambered out the window  onto the soft forest floor .
Then I realised that if these people think of even the possibility the I'm gone then this entire escape thing is useless . I moved quickly and wedged a twig in the window so it wouldn't close completely . I ducked with my back pressed against the wall just in time to hear the chatter pass by .

As the voices distanced once again I sighed of relief and walked into the forest . I counted my steps to prevent myself from getting lost . My sense of direction isn't that good .

I walked about 50 steps when I found a tree with low branches . I started climbing up the branches . I may be afraid of the dark but the heights aren't freighting at all . In fact I sat in high trees a lot , it gave me a sense of thrill and at the same it felt like a safe haven . Weird I know .

I climbed till I felt my arms throbbing. My muscles screamed for relief and my lungs were burning for air .I made myself comfortable on a branch just in time to see the sky burst with colours . I  breathed in the crisp air which felt like a wave of cool sea water during a humid summer compared to the confined , stagnant air in the building .

After breakfast I didn't go to meet Dr.Caz like he had asked . I didn't know why then but the thought of being interrogated had made me shake with fear . So I had avoided it . I had explored the entire building , well maybe half of it . I found a library , a greenhouse and then went back to the dormitories in attempt to find the room they put me in . But of course I got lost in the corridors . That is until I found the window .

"I thought I'd find you here ."

The statement startled me so much I almost fell off the tree . When I regained my balance I looked around with wide eyes.

The first attempt : Invasion Where stories live. Discover now