Chapter 6

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"Nice place" Lauren acknowledged as she walked into the Cabello household. She smiled at the many family pictures that were on the shelves and she smiled even wider when she saw pictures of a tiny Camila.

"These pictures are so cute" Lauren spoke up, looking up at Camila for a response.

"Uh thanks. Would you like something to drink?" Camila asked, trying to hide her blush that appeared after Lauren's words.

"Water would be great. Thanks" Lauren replied, setting a picture frame down and heading towards the kitchen counter where Camila was.

"Here you go"

"Thanks" Lauren said, giving Camila a smile.

They both stood there in an awkward silence for a few minutes before Camila suggested they go upstairs and get started on their art lesson.


"Lauren this is hopeless! I have zero skill when it comes to any kind of class other than the core subjects. I can't even do well in sports. I failed P.E twice!" Camila huffed in frustration as she crumpled up another one of her failed attempts at drawing a simple face.

The two girls have been at it for a few hours now, and Camila can't seem to grasp the idea of drawing.

Lauren giggled softly as she watched Camila become frustrated once more.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you fail P.E? Don't you just have to show up?" Lauren questioned through her giggle.

"Yeah. That's what I thought. But my effort mark pulled me down. The thing is, I honestly tried! But I'm so uncoordinated that my teachers thought I just wasn't trying" Camila explained as she shook her head at the unfortunate memories.

"Well, that's fine. Not everybody's good at sports Camila" Lauren offered, trying to cheer up her partner.

Camila instantly smiled at Lauren's generosity. In their short time spent together, Camila hadn't seen any of the "badass" Lauren that everyone assumed she was. Instead of a badass, she thought Lauren was an extremely cute and sincere person. She didn't have to come over and help out with art, but she did. And at the thought of that, Camila felt very happy.

"You really didn't have to be here to try and help me Lauren" Camila said, still wondering how she got so lucky in the first place.

"Don't worry about it. I wanted to.." Lauren trailed off with a small smile on her face.

"Well I'm glad you did" Camila admitted as she gained a sudden boost of confidence and winked at the green eyed girl next to her.

Her attempt at trying to flirt was a success considering that Lauren's cheeks tinted red soon after.

"You're really not that bad. Look at how much you've improved today. I think you're pretty good actually" Lauren perked up, smiling at the brown eyed girl beside her. Lauren gestured towards the sketches that Camila had been drawing and both of them definitely saw the drastic improvement.

Camila's heart melted at Lauren's kindness and all she wanted to was stare into her deep emerald eyes for as long as she could.

"See? You'll do fine. I can't wait to get started on this project" Lauren admitted with a bright smile as she mindlessly put a hand on Camila's lap.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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