chapter 6 BOTF bus

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hey guys hows your ife going, I have homework to do but I'm gonna do it later! (yey to procrastination!)



Jayy's POV

Me and Jeffree walked hand in hand to the BOTDF bus, I had to try and not gag from holding his hand.

When we got their Jeffree said "I'll wait out here ], you go and get your stuff, and Jayy remember I'm watching so don't try anything"

I got out my key and I opened the door, when I did I saw Dahvie sat on the sofa crying his eyes out while the rest of the band surrounded him trying to comfort him.

At first no one noticed me but then nick (Botdf drummer) looked up at me and glared

"what are you doing here?" he hissed

"I'm here to get my things" I said "I will still be doing the shows but I'm moving buses" 

Dahvie's head shot up at the sound of my voice, he stared at me for a second in silence then his eyes shot down to my hand.

I looked to see what he was looking at and I saw that I was still wearing my engagement ring. I held back the tears and ran to my bunk to get my things.

I grabbed my stuff shoving it into my bag and then I looked down at my hand with my emerald green engagement ring on it. then I felt into my pocket and took out Dahvies sapphire engagement ring, I ran and grabbed and envelope and a piece of paper. I wrote on the paper:

I want you to keep it. -Jayy von phenomenon

(Jayy von phenomenon was a nick name Dahvie had given me) then I put the note and Dahvie's ring into the envelope and sealed it writing Dahvie on the front.

Then I grabbed the envelope and my bag and walked back into he living room where everyone turned to me with hatred in their eyes, except for Dahvie who's eyes just showed sadness.

I walked up to Dahvie and the rest of the band who where still surrounding him and I handed Dahvie the envelope and then I said "I love you all" before walking of the bus.

Dahvie's POV 

I was sat on the sofa crying my eyes out while my band surrounded me trying to make me calm down. they would keep saying things like "he is a jerk" and "he doesn't deserve you" but I t didn't make me feel better the only thing that would make me feel better is to have Jayy back, Just the the door opened but I didn't bother to look up to see who it was but then I heard Nick say "what are you doing here"

"I'm here to get my things" I said "I will still be doing the shows but I'm moving buses" 

My head shot up as I realized who that voice belonged to, Jayy.

We both stared into each others eye fro a second of silence before I saw a glimmer in the corner of my eye, and I saw what it was his ring.... he was still wearing it.

He looked down to see what I was looking at, he saw his ring and froze for a second before running to his bunk.

"he has some nerve coming back here, bitch" I heard one of them say but I din't listen I just wanted to talk to Jayy but at the same time I don;t think I had the power to do that without crying.

I stayed their staring at the door until Jayy came out of the bunk room and walked up to me,he handed me and envelope and on the front the words 'Dahvie' where written, in Jayy's neat hand writing.

then he simply said "I love you all" and left.

After he left everyone turned to me curiously wondering what was in the envelope. I wanted to open it in private so I walked to my bunk telling them to let me be alone.

I shut the door and sat on my bed, I opened it and I took out a peace of paper that said

I want you to keep it- jayy von phenomenon 

I let out a quiet sob when I read this, he used the nick name i gave him.

I tipped the envelope up-side down and out fell my ring that I had given Jayy when he dumped me. Silent tears fell down my face as I put the ring on my finger.

I know most people take of the  rings when they brake up but engagement rings are a sign of your love for the other person and I still love Jayy so I won't take it of.


okay well that was sad...... sorry it sucked but I tried my best so I hope it wasn't to suck-ish.

lots of love


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