You're Mine ( Digital )

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Tenti stood over her with hands in his jean pockets, a huge grin plastered on his face and the tentacles protruding from his back oozed and leaked onto the ground behind him

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Tenti stood over her with hands in his jean pockets, a huge grin plastered on his face and the tentacles protruding from his back oozed and leaked onto the ground behind him.

“ So, you think you can keep me tied down?”

His voice gruff, low with a rumble. He leans over, taking a hand out and grabbed a hold of her chin with his thumb and index finger.

His form began to change. His normal teeth turned razor sharp, black film consumes the green sclera and blue iris, replacing the blue with a simple green dot that gazed into her soul.

With a manic giggle, his grin turned into a sudective smirk but this smirk could be mistaken for mischief.

“ Think again because the only thing that’s going to be tied down is you,” He says breathlessly, his tone graver but more sultry by the second, his thumb running over her bottom lip. The touch was so intoxicating, she wanted more but of course she will never admit it to him, not to the person she wants to drop dead.

She wanted him so bad and he could see it in her eyes behind all the resentment and resist.

“ Resistance is futile, sweetheart. Tonight, you’re mine to control and mine alone. Not that reject’s, Not that shadow bastard, and not that fucking hothead’s. Oh no, you belong to me.” With each word he spoke, the bright glowing green tendrils began to spiral along her arms, legs and around her waist.

" You’re mine.” His words dripped like acid, a hiss just as strands of his combed back dark green hair sprung up and fell in front of his face while he is drawn closer to her face.

Repeating, his lips just brushing against hers oh so teasingly.

“You’re mine.”

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