Chapter 9

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"Thank you Emil, we would like that very much." He turned and activated the monitor on the wall and we were swept up into the activity in the court room.

Tasha was being led in. As everyone sat there and watched her, some of them were booing her, some calling her a 'strigoi wanna be' others just quietly watching and waiting. I could see Chris, and he looked a little upset, but mostly he just looked pissed.

"Ladies and gentleman, we are here today to hold the trial of Natasha Ozera, for the crimes of; murdering Queen Tatiana Ivashkov, threatening the life of our new queen, conspiring with strigoi in an attempt on Queen Rosemarie's life, having the previously mentioned strigoi, attack St. Vladimir's Academy in order to kill Queen Rosemarie, and endangering the lives of all 6012 people that were on the campus that day. Everyone rise as we welcome our new queen. Queen Rosemarie Alara Fayina Hathaway Mazur Ivashkov."

No one had ever heard my full name and I could feel Dimitri's shock, that I actually had a Russian name.

Looking at him I heard him think, "Roza, why did you never tell me that you had a Russian name?"

So, I thought I'd give him another shock, "because I wanted to surprise you one day."

The look on his face was priceless, when he understood that he could hear my thoughts as well as I could hear his. "Well you certainly did that my love."

"And her fiancée Guardian Dimitri Erik Fade Belikov." As soon as Dimitri was announced as my fiancée the screaming started.

"No! It'll never happen, he's mine. I'll kill you bitch."

Dimitri escorted me to my throne, both of us outwardly seeming unaffected by Tasha's outburst. But I felt the muscles in Dimitri's arm tighten immensely, when she again threatened me. I could feel his emotions, and he actually wanted to go to her and choke her to death.

"My love, would you mind if I said something, before we proceed?"

"Of course not, please feel free to say what you wish." I had some inclination what he was going to say without reading his mind, and I felt Tasha needed a wakeup call.

He then turned to Tasha, hatred oozing from his every pore, "Natasha Ozera, you have caused my fiancé great pain and torment in the short time since you meet her. And by causing her pain, you have then caused me equal pain. By sending that strigoi to St. Vladimir's with that message, you hoped to destroy something you had no business meddling in. I am hereby volunteering for the firing squad should you be found guilty."

Another roar erupted from the crowd, this time in approval of what Dimitri had said. Most of the noise was from my friends, family and guardians, but everyone was applauding. Dimitri turned and assisted me to sit on my throne before kissing my hand and taking his seat next to Lissa.

"Bring forth the prisoner... Natasha Ozera, as my fiancée just said, you have caused me great pain since we meet. Because of this, I have decided to leave the decision of your guilt or innocence solely to the council. And I know without a shadow of a doubt, that they will come to the right decision. Should there be need of a tie breaker, I will then cast my vote, but I very seriously doubt that there will be a need for that. As myself, my fiancée, and by extent my father, as well as my cousin Adrian and your nephew Christian, have felt the most pain by your actions. We will all refrain from speaking, until your guilt or innocence has been decided, unless the need should arise. But let me warn you, I know firsthand everything that you have done, and I do mean everything. I will not hesitate to reveal it all if I am asked, including why Victoria Belikova is now shadow-kissed." Tasha paled greatly when I said this. "I know, that you are not aware of some of my powers, so please let me enlighten you. I can read minds, I have premonitions, and I can force you to tell the truth, so Do. Not. Test. Me." I said while starring her dead in the eyes. "Hans please proceed."

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