Chapter 5: Two Days

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It's Hanamura. The leaves are falling. Something's not right-

The trees. They're rotting. It's black and ugly- it's spreading. The Sakura trees that makes Hanamura special. It's fading away. They're crumbling.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Just like your life, Hanzo Shimada.




Hanzo jolted up from the bed, panting heavily as he looked around him with his eyes widened. When he realized that it was another nightmare, he calmed down slightly, but not before realizing that he was in an unfamiliar place. Panic set in, headache becoming worse by the minute. Wherever the hell he was, he didn't have his weapons with him, which meant that he couldn't defend for himself if something were to happen.

Stay calm. Don't panic. Look around for clues. 

He tried to focus on the surroundings, trying to find out where exactly he was. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dimly lit room, showing him the furniture that decorated the room. It was... A hotel room? Now he panicked even more. Just what the hell happened last night?

Steadying himself, Hanzo carefully got up from the bed. It was only after getting up did he realize, that someone else was in the room with him. Who exactly, he had no clue. But whoever it was, he was outside the balcony smoking. He walked around the bed without making a noise, trying to see who was outside smoking at... 5 A. M. in the morning? Who even smokes when the sun isn't even out? 

Jesse McCree does, apparently. He was leaning against the railing of the balcony, casually smoking. Seeing that it was someone he at least knew, Hanzo relaxed a little. He walked out to the balcony, silently joining McCree as he smoked.

"Well, yer up early."

"I could say the same to you."

McCree laughed, before puffing out another round of smoke from his cigarette. 

"How's yer head sweetheart? We both drank more than we could handle fer sure."

"Hah. No clue what in the world even happened earlier."

It felt natural to talk to him, for some reason. When Hanzo was talking with the elders, or someone else at least, it felt... off. As if something was missing. But when it came to talking with McCree, he felt happier. He could talk about anything with him, and it lifted some of the weight off his shoulders. 

"Well, to sum it up, we got too drunk so we got a hotel room to crash fer the night. Don't worry I didn't do anythin' while you were sleepin'... Or at least I think, 'cause I ain't rememberin' much either."

Laughter. A genuine laughter from his mouth. Even that surprised Hanzo. He hasn't laughed so often in a long while, it was as if he forgot what laughing felt like. 

"Glad to know." 

The two talked for a while, chatting away their hangovers. By the time they went back in, the sun was peaking above the horizon, and the birds were beginning to chirp. 6 A. M. Still too early. He knew the elders were going to yell at him again, but might as well do everything he wanted to since he knew he couldn't avoid it. 

Hanzo walked over to the bed and collapsed on top of the pillows, lying in the smack center of the mattress. McCree laughed as he sat down on the edge of the bed, looking over Hanzo. 

"Just five more minutes..." Hanzo mumbled into the pillow, crawling back into the blanket. It was still too early for him, and it would be nice to catch some sleep before he headed back.

"You do you, sugar. I might head back though. Seems like I overstayed my welcome 'ere anyways."

Tell him to stay. Talk to him. Stall some time.

"Alright. We shall meet again, I hope."

"Good seein' yer face again sweetheart. Take care." 

McCree stood up and walked over to the couch, grabbing his hat and his belongings before heading out the door. He gave a short wave to Hanzo before he opened the door and left. 

Left alone. Again. He was used to it at this point. 

He sighed, tossing and turning before falling asleep again. He was going to get yelled at by the elders, but who cares at this point? Fuck their opinions. He needed to have air to breathe.




"Why should I damn apologize? Every one of you gets a break, but God forbid I go on a small break and the whole Clan yells."

"Young Master, you must fulfill your duties as the leader. You must not be distracted at all cost. If word gets out that you were seen together with this foreigner, our Clan will receive bad reputations."

"Does it look like I give a damn? Ever since my father has passed away, all of you treat me like shit. You only care about your selfish selves."

"That is enough. All of you, stop." 

Everyone in the room stopped and turned to face the eldest of the Clan. Clearly, he had the most experience in dealing with issues, but today, he just had enough of it. Hanzo stared at the elder with coldness in his eyes, before turning his back and walking out of the room. 

Bad reputation my ass. They don't care about you. They made you kill your brother. They torture you. You deserve better.

No matter how many times he told himself, he never got over it. Should he apologize? It was by culture that he had to respect the elders... But then again, he was always treated like this. He wanted freedom- rights that he should have gotten as a human being. 

Just deal with it. Maybe they'll know what they did wrong once you die.




The day went on like any other days. The outside may see the Clan as some perfectly running group with hard working members, but the true horror only showed up when the sun set. Another day, another hour of torture. Of whipping, cursing, punching. Even the Young Master needs to be disciplined. Another new scar on the back. Bruises on the neck, the chest, the legs- no such thing as mercy.

He lied in bed, cursing himself for being so dumb. For rebelling. He knew what the outcome was going to be. 

The clock ticking. The crickets chirping. The elders whispering. Winds howling, dogs barking. Two more days. Maybe it'll all change. Maybe he could use them as an excuse to end his ties with the Clan. 

Two days.

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