Chapter 5: Family Reunion

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AN: Hi... Just... enjoy my grapes ^_^


It had been two months since Niall's and Zayn's first date. Two months since they shared their first kiss on the couch. Two months filled with lovely looks they shared, with secret dates in which they hid from the media as much as possible, and of course, two months filled with hugs and kisses. Those two had an amazing time laughing, joking, and playing around together. They were inseparable, and they got to know each other more even if it wasn't possible. Of course, just like any other couple, they had small arguments that would cause them to not direct a word to each other, but those fights only lasted for a day since they couldn't live with out one another. With fights or no fights, they had a two month honeymoon nonetheless. 

And now, for their anniversary of two months, Zayn and Niall decided on something special. They decided it was time to come out to their parents. They had always debated it between themselves. They weren't sure if they would get accepted or pushed aside, and frankly, to them it was frightening to just think about coming out. But talking about it again and again, they decided that they had to take risks, this being one of them. So today, at the usual family gathering they had once every six months, Zayn and Niall were going to speak up. Now, this was even harder for them because all of the lad's family would be present, so by coming out to their parents, they would be coming out to a pretty big group as well. But this was a risk they were willing to do together, just like when they successfully came out to management who accepted them with warm hearts.

So as everybody ran around the house trying to make it look as presentable as possible, everybody shared nervous glances and weak smiles for they knew that Zayn and Niall coming out could affect all of them. But no one was as nervous as Zayn, for he was terrified to death that his parents wouldn't accept them. And for a part, he wasn't worried because of himself. Of course, if they didn't get accepted it would hurt him terribly, but he could manage it, he knew he could. But what really worried him was Niall. If Zayn's parents didn't accept them, Niall would get upset, and that's something Zayn didn't want nor need. So all he could do now was wait; pray and wait.

It was a different story for Niall though. Niall was sure his mom would accept them. His family and him always had a special bond of love, and even though he was still pretty nervous, his gut kept telling him everything would be alright, and you have to trust your gut right? Besides, Niall knew that if for some reason his dad didn't accept him, his mom definitely would stick up for him. He just knew everything would be fine. Now he just had to get Zayn to believe him.

Walking out of his room (which he barely even used because he slept- or cuddled- in Zayn's room everynight now) he went in search of Zayn. He passed by the bathroom where he heard Liam singing 'Cry Me a River' and the shower going. Smiling at Liam's perfect vocals, he made his way downstairs.

"Hey Niall, have you seen the remote?" Harry asked him as he set foot in the living room. Everyone was getting ready for the family gathering, and everyone was excited to see their families again.

"Did you check behind the cushions?" Niall asked as he continued his way to the kitchen.

"Yeah, but it's not- never mind," Harry finished holding up the remote. Niall nodded and continued on his way, but as he entered the kitchen Louis came out.

"Is this stain noticeable?" Louis asked pointing at a big red stain on his stomach, "Do you think mom will notice?" he added at the end.

"Nop, not noticeable at all," Niall said with a tint of sarcasm which made Louis roll his eyes.

"I'll go change now," Louis smiled and was about to move away from the door to allow Niall entrance to the kitchen, when he stopped midway, "Oh, and you better wanna talk to Zayn. I don't think he's doing so well," he added. Niall nodded and Louis finally walked- or stomped- up stairs.

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