• chapter 1 •

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chapter one•

" So, what do you think of this? " Leila asked. I looked down at the binder, flipping the pages, inspecting every single detail. Taking off my spectacle, I reverted my gaze from the document and looked at her.

" Well, this is just perfect! " I told her. My answer earned a cheerful smile from her.

" I knew it! I know that you will love this pattern and print for the spring design. " Leila said. " So, do you want me to inform the production to start getting on it? " She asked more.

" Give me a day. I'll finalize the design and then only you can pass it to them. What you can do for me now is to get all the fabrics ready. That's all. " I told her and she nodded her head.

" Alrighty, boss. " She replied and winked at me. I smacked her shoulder playfully using the binder and she laughed.

" So, do you think you will meet him tonight? " Leila asked. I looked at her blankly.

" What? C'mon, Anna. You are too workaholic. Get some social life, please. " Leila said and I glared at her.

" First of all, miss. I do have a social life. I am now on the top 25 of the Candy Crush leaderboard. My social life is all over the world. Secondly, I do not approve your act on setting me up with god knows who that guy is. " I explained to her. Instead of feeling guilty, she burst out laughing.

" Since when does Candy Crush can be proclaimed as one's social life? " She clutched her stomach from laughing too hard.

" Since just now. " I replied simply.

" Come on, Anna. He's a great guy. Aged 27. He's a lecturer. Good looking too. " Leila said.

" Since he is such a great guy, why don't you meet him for steak and wine? " I told her while I was getting up from my seat. Grabbing my purse and phone, I walked to the door of my office.

" The purpose of my setting is for you to have a social life. Not me. I already have a boyfriend. Duh. " Leila said as she was trailing behind me.

" Well, let me enlighten you. Fictional boyfriend and real-life boyfriend is totally different. " I told her. I pressed the lift button to the floor my car in.

" Where are you going? " Leila asked then she looked at her wristwatch.

" Oh, have a safe drive then. I'll see you tomorrow. Make sure you go and meet him tonight. " Leila winked and get out on the floor before mine. I rolled my eyes at her but inside I'm debating whether to go or not to go.

Well, no harm to go right?

  Parked at the sidewalk, I looked around for the familiar face. Now, where is he? Suddenly, a small soul hugged me from behind. As I turned my head, I saw whom I was waiting for.

" Hey there. You surprised me. " I knelt down to his level and kissed his cheek.

" What do you want for lunch? " I asked him.

FINDING JULIAN, SEARCHING ANNAWhere stories live. Discover now