The Wedding ●Wolfe's pov●

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Cinder woke me up buy screaming at me to get up and being mad about letting Scarlet sleep with me in bed on the night of our wedding.
"Wolfe, you knew you weren't supposed to see each other until the wedding!"
"Who the hell are you to tell me that I can't sleep in the same bed with my fianće, on the day of our wedding?!"
"Uh, the actual queen of Luna." Good point.
He groaned and walked out of the room and into the rampion to go to the suit store.
"Cinder yelling at you?" Jacin asked.
"Yup, she didn't want me and Scar sleeping in the same bed. I asked her 'who the hell are you to tell me what to do' and she replied 'the actual queen of luna'. She's a real drama queen you know?"
"Rough, and no kidding. And don't worry, you've got a life time left to sleep with scarlet." He said with a wink. Jacin was really annoying sometimes.
"Yeah, not long enough" Wolfe muttered under his breath.

When they arrived and suited him, Wolfe wasn't even paying any attention. He could only think of how beautiful Scarlet would be tonight.
"Wolfe. Wolfe. WOLFE! Come on. We need to go, it's an hour til'." Kai said. Then Wolfe immediately ran off to the rampion.

He was standing at the altar in his new suit while Kai was fixing Wolfe's hair. Then, the music started playing and Wolfe straightened his back. False alarm. It was Cinder, Iko, Emilìe, Cress, Winter. Then a pause before a bunch of press just piled before him while the barn door opened once more.

It was Scarlet.

He stood even more taller to see over the people and saw her. It was her. Their eyes met and the crowd moved. She was beautiful. No breathtaking. No lunar would ever be this beautiful. Thorne handed her to me and I gave him a nod then focused on Scarlet.
It was safe to think that we both didn't listen to Torin until our vows.
We said them with out problems. Then. He said it.
'I now pronounce you, husband and wife' before he could finish the next part, I already had picked her up and started kissing her.
Stars. She is so perfect. She didn't even want me to let go and I didn't want to let go. I pulled away after 20 minutes lat the least to say
"I love you"
"Hey Husbamd, Let's get out of here" she said, without hesitation.
"Anything for you wife.''
Yep, she's the one.

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