The Pessimistic Chapter

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(THIS story begins where wolfe came back from running but before they went to sleep)

They talked for about everything for hours. The whole time, she had a horrible stomach ache and she ignored it for as long as she could but she couldn't hold back anymore. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She knew Wolfe would follow her so she shut and locked the door in record time. She barely made it to the toilet.
"SCARLET!! Honey, open up! Please!" he begged until she was done.
"NO! you dont need to see this!!" Though it only got into the toilet, she felt disgusting. she flushed then stood up. she felt it instantly. she lost the baby. She had no idea what happened or why. but she knew it was gone (she didn't puke it out if that's what you we're thinking).
She began to cry. Wolfe broke the knob to get in. he froze. he could smell it. something was different. no, not different, gone. then he saw Scarlet crying. 
"Scar.." he went over to hug her. She wrapped her arms around him, tightly, "whats wrong?" he murmerred.
"the baby's gone," she said, he almost couldn't hear her but with his genetic altering, he could.
"she's gone.. gone. my baby. she's gone," she let go of him and fell to her knee's, sobbing. He bent down and rubbed her back, "we don't know that. Your just feeling sick. The baby is still there," He said to convince himself as much as her. She looked at him with haunted eyes, causing him to fight back a few tears.
"i am the mother. was. she's gone," her voice cracked on the last word.

She didn't sleep. She didn't even get in bed. "I need to think and be alone right now." she told Wolfe. she knew that he would still go outside, but she knew he would keep a distance.
After an hour or two of sobbing, she called for Wolfe, realizing that he too, lost a child today. but he didn't believe it. maybe he did, he's just being optimistic. But he knows, there is no more baby. 
He walked over to her, tears stained his face. She held her arms out and he sat on the ground next to her. He engulfed her in a hug, he realized as he hugged her, he instinctively hugged her like this to try to protect her from everything, her pain and sorrow, the world, evil, and more. he cried into her because he couldn't protect her from this. There was nothing, nothing, he could do. 
"i'm so sorry... i have failed you," he barely whispered, but she could hear him. She tried to feel the hug, but she felt numb. she didn't feel anything but lost. She knew she loved him, but right now, she couldn't.

The next morning, on the way to the doctor's, the only thing Scarlet said was, she's gone, in a haunted voice.
"I'm sorry," Doctor Nyland said, "But the child is, in fact gone," he suggested therapies and such, and said no pay when Wolfe held his arm out. He looked at Scarlet, she was crying.
"But you said the other day that she was healthy and growing fine," she said between sobs 
"We don't know, we can get a lab or something if that's wha-"
"no. no, i. i can't." she started crying.
"We have to get the baby out," he said quietly. Scarlet nodded.
"Can we have a moment," she asked the doctor, he nodded and he left.
She looked at him and hugged him for dear life.

It's after the operation, she felt more empty and lost then ever. Wolfe told the Earthen workers to take the day off. Now, she and Wolfe lay in bed and say nothing, just cuddled. She looks out the window with tears falling down her face silently and her hand on her stomach, Wolfe has his face on her shoulder and he's looking at her, feeling like a helpless puppy.

In the middle of the night, she got up and walked around the farm with Wolfe right next to her. She stopped and just felt the breeze.
"when, Sybil took me, i yearned to feel this breeze. but right now, i'm here. i want it. but i can't feel anything. It's like im up there again. i'm all alone, no one can help me. This time, there is no Winter. It's just me," she looked at Wolfe. "Why can't i feel anything? all i feel is pain." she was already crying, and after hearing that, Wolfe started to cry to. he hugged her. and hugged her. and hugged her.
"I'm so sorry. I am so sorry. i can't protect you and i'm so sorry." 

2 months later

They told the crew and Cress and Winter began crying. Then everyone was honestly sorry about it. Wolfe and Scarlet have accepted it. And like what Levana said when Winter "died", though gone, never forgotten. They wish they still had the child, but they have moved on.
and if Scarlet thinks about it to much, she begins to cry. The scar is still raw.


_Scarlet-Benoit_ I'm sorry, I did this to trigger feels! 
Go follow her for her AMAZING ScarletxWolfe child story and more!

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