Chapter 9

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Two weeks later the whole of MACUSA was on high alert and searching for Modesty Barebone. Percival and Tina were put in charge of the mission and were constantly working at the weekends and late into the night. No one knew what Modesty or the New Salem Philanthropic Society were planning, but everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before they found out.

"Do you think you'll be able to capture her by Christmas?" Credence asked one evening on a rare occasion that Percival was there to spend it with him.

"I don't know." Percival answered truthfully, sighing. "How much time do we have left until Christmas?"

"A week or two. No more than three."

"In all honesty I had completely forgot about Christmas."

They stayed in silence for a moment, staring into the crackling fire from where they were sat, curled up against one another on the sofa.

Credence took a deep breath before speaking again, turning his head to look up into his husband's eyes. "This will be our first Christmas without Adam." He muttered.

"I know. But let's not think about that now. We've got each other at least. And Sophia."

"I can't help thinking about it. I sometimes wonder whether we did something wrong or we didn't do something that we should've. Maybe there was something that we could've done to prevent what happened."

Percival shook his head, shifting forward every so slightly so that he could place a gentle kiss on Credence's forehead. "No. There was nothing that we or anyone else could have done to have prevented what happened."

"So Adam and Charles were always destined to die?" Tears were sparkling in the corner of Credence's eyes. He blinked rapidly, trying to prevent them from spilling over.

"My dear," Percival spoke softly, "we are all destined to die."

"Don't you dare."

There was a sound of footsteps coming from behind them, they were both startled and turned to see who it was. Upon seeing that it was his daughter, Percival raised his voice again.

"Did you go out?"

Sophia nodded. "Yes. I was keeping a look out for my aunt. As a bird of course." She added the last part as an afterthought.

Credence cringed. "Please don't call her that."

"Why? She's your sister and your my Dad. That makes her my aunt."

"She's a threat. That means she's not worthy of being family." Credence paused at his own words while Percival looked at him with pity and Sophia looked taken aback. "I didn't mean it like that." He said softly, blushing from shame. "I take it back, of course she's family."

Percival was the one to break the awkward silence that followed. "Why we you looking out for her? That was dangerous, Sophia. We don't know what that woman is capable of."

"She could have taken you..." Credence muttered to himself more than to anyone else with alarming realisation. His mind cast him back to a time when something similar had happened to him. He shuddered thinking about his time spent with Grindelwald and what he had had to go through to get back to Percival.

"Hardly." Sophia retorted, looking at her parents incredulously while chuckling slightly. "I was in my animagus form."

"Even so," Percival cut in after glancing at Credence's expression, "we would appreciate it if you left Modesty Barebone to Tina and I. If we needed your help we would have asked you for it. But we don't so you need to refrain from interfering and putting yourself in harm's way. Daniel and David have managed to keep out of the way."

Sophia turned on her heel, storming towards the stairs and muttering "that's what you think" under her breath.

"What was that?" Percival called after her, alarmed suddenly.

"Nothing!" Sophia called over shoulder.

Percival and Credence turned to stare at each other in disbelief.

"She takes after you." Credence said, smirking slightly but with sadness in his eyes.

There was a tapping sound coming from the window and Percival suddenly jumped up off of the sofa, swearing under his breath as he saw the MACUSA owl staring at him through the window. It's unblinking eyes trailed him as he made his way over to the door, grabbing his coat. He had received so many calls into the office that he had learned to not bother to even read the letters sent with the owls that demanded his presence.

"I'll see you whenever Credence... I have no idea when." He sighed. "Do you mind if I take your scarf tonight? It's warmer than mine and it looks like it's going to snow later."

"Of course." Credence said. "Take it."

And so with a last glance at his husband Percival grabbed Credence's red and gold Gryffindor scarf, wrapping it around his neck before closing the door behind him.

Credence heard an agitated hoot coming from the owl which flew off probably in pursuit of Percival in a flurry of feathers.

- - - - -

When Percival finally arrived at MACUSA, slightly later than expected after having to fight off that bird before being able to apparate, he saw that not only had him and Tina been called in, but Newt was stood beside her looking incredibly sheepish.

"Ah, Percival, you're finally here." President Stevens greeted him. "It seems as though Miss Barebone has finally made a move."

"And what would that be, Mr President?"

"Do you want me to tell him Mr Scamander, or would you rather I told him how much of an idiot you are?" Stevens shot a dirty look at Newt.

"I can do it myself, thank you." Newt stuttered. "Although I would say that idiot is a bit of a harsh word."

"Get on with it man!" Stevens spat.

"Go on, Newt." Percival said calmly.

Newt turned to face him, a blush creeping up his neck. "It seems as though Modesty Barebone has been watching me." He said. "Or to be more precise, she has been watching my creatures." He took a deep breath before continuing. "It seems as though she managed to break into our house and grab my suitcase before I could stop her."

"I'm so sorry, Newt." Percival knew how much his creatures meant to him.

"Whatever she's planning, it involves them. We think she may be trying to use them to expose Wizards and Witches  to non-magical people, in a similar way to what nearly happened 30 years ago."

"That would make sense. After all, I'm sure she would know a bit about that. The New Salem Philanthropic Society was running at that time when she was a child. She must have heard about it and is trying to replicate a similar situation." Percival nodded, understanding.

"But that's not all, is it?" Interupted the President.  "Tell him the rest."

"I had managed to locate, track and capture over a hundred dementors prior to today." Newt said sheepishly.

Percival felt his stomach drop and the colour drain from his face. "And where are they?"

"In the suitcase."

- - - - - - - - - -

So guys. Chapter 9.

Tell me what you think. *Insert usual speech here*

Who's looking forward to Sherlock, ey?

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