Chapter 11

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"What are we going to do?" Credence turned to Percival, biting his lower lip. He could taste the bitter tang of copper as blood trickled from the chapped skin. Their situation seemed to have only gotten worse; his sister always appeared to be at least two steps in front of them. Whenever they managed to make any progress, she would succeed in achieving twice as much.

Being the youngest of three does tend to give someone the determination to prove their intelligence and ability.

"You don't have to do anything." Percival said softly. "Not if you don't want to. It's my job. Not yours. No one will hold it against you if you don't include yourself in all of this danger. In fact-" he stepped forward, taking hold of Credence's hands in both of his, "- I would prefer it if you left it alone."

"How can you say that?" Credence asked softly, fighting the feeling of tears welling in his eyes. "This is my sister. But not only that, this is the person that I made her into-"

"You cannot still blame yourself for what happened-" Percival cut in.

"No. But I'm not as young and foolish as I used to be, Percy. I do not blame myself, but at the same time, I need to take responsibility for my actions and deal with the consequences. Modesty is a victim."

"The same way that Adam was a victim?" The older man choked out.

"No." Credence's black hair fell into his eyes as he shook his head firmly. "There was nothing we could have done for Adam." He lowered his voice. "But there is something we can do for Modesty and I will be damned if I don't at least try."

"Sometimes the smartest thing to do is to stay away from the problem."

"The smartest thing is not always the best thing."

"The best thing doesn't always keep you safe."

"I would rather be dead and decent than survive and surrender." And with that, Credence turned towards the stairs, preparing for a night of restless tossing and turning as he contemplated the next appropriate course of action. However, his husband's voice cut into his subconscious and brought him back to the moment at hand. Freezing half way up the stairs, balancing on one foot, he paused to listen.

"Newt was right you know..."

"About what?"

"About you."

"What did he say?"

There was a pause before-

"You deserve to be a Gryffindor."

Credence stood for a second longer, before resuming his action and continuing up the stairs without another word escaping from him in reply. He was just all too glad that Percival couldn't see the smile that had carved itself onto his features.

- - - - -

"No. Absolutely not."

"You can't stop me." Sophia glared at her Father as she crossed her arms across her chest; a habit that had become almost like a reflex action to her over the years.

"I can. I'm your Father, and so you will do as I say."

"Someone needs to do it, and it's only logical that that person should be me."

"I will not allow you to do it. I will not allow my daughter to put herself in danger to try and find MACUSA's most wanted with only a bowtruckle and a niffler for help."

"But I'll be disguised as my animagus form. And if you really don't want me to go alone, I'll take David and Daniel with me."

"You will not drag my friends' children into this either. Especially when they will be in even more danger than you." Percival's face was red; he was soon growing impatient with this argument.

Sophia bit her lip, contemplating whether to tell her Father the truth or not. But Percival noticed the slight change in her expression and frowned, lines drawn across his forehead, and questioned her.

"What? What is it that you're not telling me?"

Sophia didn't reply but just stood, shuffling slightly on the spot and staring at her feet, a blush spreading over her cheeks. Percival sighed as realisation struck him. He raised his hand to his face, rubbing a calloused palm over his greying stubble while his voice took on a passive aggressive tone.

"Do not tell me that you mean to imply that they are also illegal animagi."

When there was no response he sank down onto the sofa and buried his face in both of his hands. He sat there for a minute or two in complete silence before raising his head again to look at Sophia, a neutral expression plastered on his face. "I assume that is, again, likely the main reason the two of them survived the Battle of Ilvermorny, the same way you did?"

Sophia cleared her throat, stuttering slightly. "Yes." She muttered softly. "Our unknown ability has proven to help us in multiple ways, some that we had never even imagined when we first decided to explore that area of magic. But, Father," she hurriedly moved to crouch down on the carpet in front of Percival, back to the fire, so that she could plead with him. "Don't you see that this is another way that it can help us? Not only Daniel, David and I, but all of us? We have an advantage over even Wizards and Witches as powerful as you. We have the ability to hide in plain sight and in corners too high up and too small for you. I beg you: please let us help." She took hold of one of his hands. "Let us help you."

Percival sat in silence for a little while longer before nodding. "Just so that I know though... What animals do the boys become in their animagus form?"

"Daniel is a rabbit and David is a snake."

A grumble came from Percival and Sophia quickly leapt to defend her friends. "It means that Daniel is fast if he ever needs to be, the same way that I can fly." Upon seeing her Father still sceptical she said, "did I mention that David's snake is venomous?"

"... Fine. You three can go."

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*Shuffles awkwardly* heeeeeyyy

So yeah, chapters are gonna be more rare.

I can only apologise for that.

Anyway... Comment, vote.

I would be glad to know if people haven't given up on me in the three weeks that I have been silent.

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