Chapter 13

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"Alright. Does everyone remember how to cast a patronus? It will be the most important and helpful spell at your disposal tonight. It could mean the difference between life and death." Percival stood before the Witches and Wizards who had volunteered to risk their lives to put an end to Modesty and her plans. Among them included the entirety of his team of Aurors, along with some others who didn't work for MACUSA.

There was a collective murmur of agreement and Percival explained the plan for a final time to make sure that everyone knew what they were doing.
"We will be positioned in different areas of the compound where the dementors are expected to be released. Do not let them escape. It could mean the death of many magical folk and No-Majes. Miss Barebone hopes that it may even cause war between us. We are here to defend our world and theirs. Make us proud."

From the back of the assembled crowd, Sophia, David and Daniel weaved in and out of people, trying to get a better view and hear what was being said without being spotted by their parents. However, once everyone had been split up into teams and began moving towards their allocated hide out spots, they were spotted instantly by Credence.

"Sophia, you're supposed to be at home!" He hissed.

But his daughter cut him off and stood defiantly next to her two friends. "We're helping, and that's final. Tell us where we need to be."

Percival marched over and peered at each of the children in turn, almost trying to weigh up their courage and ability by merely looking at them. "Sophia, you can team up with Newt and Tina on the east side of the building. David can go with Credence, into the heart of the compound. You will need to be careful, however; that is where the dementors are likely to be the most concentrated. Daniel can come with me. We'll take on the west side."

The three of them nodded, running into position and out of sight. Credence turned to his husband. "You think that they'll be alright?"

"I think that they have the right to decide whether they want to fight or not."

There was a pause as Percival took Credence's hand and pressed his lips to it. "Stay alive, Credence. That is all I ask of you."

Credence nodded before turning and walking away, towards where he was meant to be stationed. He heard Percival calling "I love you" from behind him. He was thankful that Percival couldn't see the tears pouring down his face. Clutching his wand tightly in his hand, he continued walking until he was out of sight.

- - - - -

They spent hours crouched down in their hiding spots, shivering through the cold atmosphere as it began to rain outside.

Daniel and Percival were sitting back to back, trying to take up as little room as possible behind the crates that they were knelt beside. After a long while, Daniel opened his mouth to begin talking in what seemed to be his hundredth time of trying to do so.

"Thank you for letting us be here with you tonight." He said in a hoarse whisper.

"Yes, well," Percival replied in an equally quiet tone, although slightly angry, "I'm starting to regret it. If anything were to happen to Sophia-"

"I would never forgive myself." Daniel cut in. He took a deep breath before continuing to speak. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about her."

Percival raised an eyebrow and shifted around to look at the boy properly. "Do you really think this is the best time to have idle chat?" He asked incredulously.

"Well, no," Daniel said uncertainly, "I did want to talk about this before but there never seemed to be a good time to bring it up."

"And you think that now is a good time to do that?"

"I thinks it's as good as any considering the fact that there's a high chance that not all of us are going to survive tonight." Daniel took another deep breath, trying to gain as much courage as possible. "I love your daughter." He concluded.

Percival sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to process what he had just heard. "Do you?"

"Yes. I've known her since I was eleven and I've been dating her for two years, though I've loved her for many more."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"Being in this situation has reminded me of how fragile life is. It's a miracle that we were able to survive the Battle of Ilvermorny, unlike many who unfortunately died, such as Charles and-" He cut himself off.

"And Adam." Percival finished for him.

"Yes." Daniel muttered softly. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you for your permission to marry her. If we both survive tonight, both Sophia and I, I wish to ask her to marry me and I hope that she will say yes, but I will only do so if I have your permission."

Percival was silent again for a very long time. After a while he began to speak again in a very low, calm voice.

"Would you die for her?"

"Gladly." Daniel whispered.

"Would you kill for her?"

"Willingly." Daniel choked on the word.

"Would you love her and treat her well until the end of your days?"

Tears began to run down Daniel's face as he turned to stare at the older man defiantly.


"Then I give my permission for you to marry her. You're a good kid, Daniel. And I know that one day, you could be a great man."

"I hope to one day be a great man."

"Don't we all?"

Suddenly there was a great rumbling noise as the whole building seemed to shake. The air turned to ice and everyone gripped their wands tighter, causing their knuckles to turn white. Collectively, everyone held their breaths and sat in silence for endless minutes.

Just as everyone started to relax slightly again, the door at the far end of the room burst forward as a hoard of dementors flooded into the room.

- - - - - - - - - -

Hey everyone! I was going to upload yesterday but I was incredibly ill. I still am ill but I'm also really bored so here you go.

I can see this story having about two more chapters, meaning that our time with Graves and Credence is coming to an end (😖).

I encourage you to comment, vote, follow me and share this story. I would also appreciate it if anyone had any suggestions for what I should write next after this trilogy is finished.

Lots of love Xx

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