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Hey guys! Art here! I'm finally back! Now, first things first. I apologize for not updating earlier. Like I explained before, I have just went back to school so I have been revising new things and stuff like that. I was lucky not to get any homework though. But I do have a test to revise for and it is a big biology test. I have been revising for it all weekend so far and I also went out with my family. This is why I didn't update this chapter earlier. So I apologize for that. But here is the next chapter finally! So I hope you enjoy it!

So . . . There are a lot of quotes from Death Note. Some inspirational, some that you can never forget and some that make you laugh and are famous for the stupidest of reasons! So, without any further waiting, here are some of the best quotes from Death Note!

(A.N. The following two quotes are only on the list because I thought that they were quite good ones that would of been inspirational to Light..)

"Listen for the voice of God then follow it, and know that in time you will find your salvation" ~English teacher Ep.1 (before Light finds the Death Note)

"He found himself overwhelmed with happiness and satisfaction, knowing that at long last his dream had finally come true" ~English teacher Ep. 2 (afterwards)

"Kira is childish and he hates losing... I am also childish and I hate to lose." ~L Ep. 6

"He who strikes first wins." ~L Ep. 10

"I don't sit like this because I want to, I have to sit like this. You see, if I were to sit normally, my deductive skills would immediately be reduced by roughly 40%." ~L Ep. 10

"There are many types of monsters in this world, monsters who will not show themselves, cause trouble. Monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood, and monsters who always tell lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance, they are much more cunning than other monsters. They pose as humans, even though they have no understanding of the human heart. They eat, even though they've never experienced hunger. They study even though they have no interest in academics. They seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such a monster, I would likely be eaten by it, because in truth, I am that monster." ~L > Death Note Relight: L's Successors

"No matter how gifted you are, you alone cannot change the world." ~L > L: Change The World

"L/Kira . . . I will hunt you down wherever you're hiding and I WILL eliminate you! I am/I am JUSTICE!" ~L and Light Ep. 2

"This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die. Someone has to do it, so why not me? Even if it means sacrificing my own mind and soul, it's worth it. Because the world... can't go on like this. I wonder... what if someone else had picked up this notebook? Is there anyone out there other than me who'd be willing to eliminate the vermin from the world? If I don't do it, then who will? That's just it: there's no one. But I can do it. In fact, I'm the only one who can. I'll do it. Using the death note, I'll change the world." ~Light Ep. 1

"You think I'm evil? I am justice! I protect the innocent and those who fear evil! I am the one who will become the god of a new world that everyone desires! All those who would oppose that god, they are the ones who are truly evil!" ~Light Ep. 2

"That's why I'm using the Death Note to create a better world. You have to be a positive thinker to even attempt something like this." ~Light Ep. 4

"In all things, one cannot win with defense alone. To win, you must attack." ~Light Ep.10

"L. Did you know, that Gods of Death, love apples?" ~Light Ep. 5

"Careful what you do, cuz God is watching your every move. Hold my hand in the dark street, for if you do I know that I'll... be safe. Even if I'm far away and alone, I can be sure that you'll find me there, this I know. You told me close for a while, so quiet. You tell me everything. If I forget what to say then you'll come to me and tell me again, yes, you'd tell me once again. But what happens when I know it all and what should I do after that? What then?" ~Misa Ep. 25

"Yeah, but . . . to me, Light is more important than the world." ~Misa Ep.30

"I wanna eliminate my competition. I will be the best. I don't care what it takes." ~Mello Ep. 27

"If you can't win the game, if you can't solve the puzzle, then you're nothing but a loser." ~Near Ep. 27

"No. You're just a murderer, Light Yagami. And this notebook is the deadliest weapon of mass murder in the history of mankind. You yielded to the power of the shinigami and the notebook and you have confused yourself with a god. In the end, you're nothing more than a crazy serial killer. That's all you are. Nothing more, and nothing less." ~Near Ep. 37

"Light Yagami, L, Kira, it's over. You've lost the game." ~Near Ep. 37

"You've taken quite a liking to it." ~Ryuk Ep. 1

"Let's just say this: you will feel the fear and pain known only to humans who've used the notebook. And when it's your time to die, it will fall on me to write your name in my death note. Be warned any human who's used a death note can neither go to heaven nor hell for eternity... That's all." ~Ryuk Ep. 1

"Humans are so . . . much fun." ~Ryuk Ep. 2

"You have lost, Light. Didn't I say in the beginning... when you die, the one who'll write your name down in a notebook will be me? That is... the deal between the Shinigami... and the first human to get their hands on the note in the human world. Once you enter the prison, I don't know when you'll die. It's annoying to wait... Your life is already over. You'll die here. Well, it was good while it lasted... We killed some boredom, didn't we? We did some various and interesting things..." ~Ryuk Ep. 37

"It was good while it lasted. We eased each other's boredom for quite a while. Well, Light, it'sbeen interesting." ~Ryuk Ep. 37

The following quotes are here because they were extremely funny, or just not very serious.

"As long as it doesn't kill me, college is a lot of fun." ~L Ep. 15

"I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret, OK?" ~L Ep.19

"Bang!" ~L Ep. 6

"I'm a . . . pervert?" ~L Ep. 16

"I wanna touch her too!" ~Random college student Ep. 15

"I'll take a potato chip . . . AND EAT IT!" ~Light Ep. 8 (A.N. Unmistakably the BEST line ever!)

"We catch Kira! I would never dream of living in a world without Light!" "Yes that would be dark." ~Misa and L Ep. 20

"So those cars got ahead of me, huh? How many damn bodyguards does one woman need anyway? Hey, come on, give me a break. Since when were the Japanese allowed to carry around such big guns? You got me, I'm part of this whole kidnapping incident. That means you'll have a lot of questions to ask." ~Matt Ep. 35 (A.N. The only reason i put this here was because the question about the guns was really funny. But I love Matt so I cried a lot when he died! Why did he have to die so early?!)

So guys! That was all of the quotes that I had! I know there there were others I could of probably put in but I couldn't remember what episode or spin-off they were in.

As always please comment and request whatever you like so I have ideas ready for next weekend. School will be getting in the way so it might be hard to think of ideas unless I'm seriously bored and I get slapped in the face with inspiration!

So yeah. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this update!

I'll see you soon!

Art out! *skips out of your room eating potato chips like Light*

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