short imagine

22 5 1

"You will be paired up in partners today for this assignment" Ms. Perez says.

"(Y/N) and Justin partners."

I was shocked and embarassed.

Justin and I use to date. He broke up with me after 3 months. I never really understood why.

What me and Justin had was special. I dont know what happened betwwen us.

Justin was walking towards me. I turn my head and pretend i didn't see him pull up a chair and sit next to me.

I dont look at him. Justin clears his throat. Still dont look at him.

i dont care. 

y eyes start to water from the flash back of when Justin broke up with me.

"Y/N) you ok?" Justin says.

"please. Like if you care how i feel. You wouldnt understand how i feel considering you broke my heart into billions of pieces." I feel bad i told him that but i needed to get that off my chest.

"You arent over me are you?" Justin asks

"Justin what kind of question is that you broke up with me. I always loved you. You broke up with me. I never have stoppped loving you either." I said truthfully.

"Im sorry (Y/N) I broke up with you. I didnt know whatw as wrong with me. I never stopped loving you either." Justin looked at me with a soft sincere look.

I looked at Justin with shock. Justin pulls you into a hug. You have been waiting for this for a while!

"I love you (Y/N)  and im sorry for breaking up with you im so stupid. Please take me back."


you beamed with happiness. 

Justin kisses you passionately 

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