I Can't Write

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This rant is pretty self explanatory. I cannot come up with anything to write so I'm just in this black pit of no ideas and it's awful. I have literally no idea what to do when I'm in front of my computer and it's INFURIATING! And this isn't just a temporary thing that happens for, like, a day or something no. I once had writers block for three months. It was the most boring three months of my life. I think this has to do with me being out of school for Christmas and shit but STILL! I thought it'd be a nice two weeks of writing and drawing and family but so far it's just been a pit of hell with drunk grandmas, difficult children and no writing for an escape. As you can see I've had a stressful break so far. It's getting to the point where I'm about ready to snap then end up in a padded room screaming I AM SPARTACUS (I'm sorry Siri but I had to) anyway I hope that New Years will go better but, if not it'll be entertaining for you so... anyway I hope that your holiday went well and I'll talk to you in the next one! Love,

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