The first clue.

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So I heard some random girls taking about a girl who ate bubble bath because it looked delicious. And I don't know how many girls ate soap but I did I was 4 and I didn't know what I was doing. And I only have ever told Tanya. I knew that dipwad did something. She knows how I feel about these things. I should go stand up and tell her how I feel about this. But what if she tells people more awful things. but I can't let her get away with this. I need to confront her. She betrayed me after 11 years of friendship. Welp, lets go lose my only friend.

S=Sasha T=Tanya
S- Tanya
T-Hey Bestie!
S- Hey Bestie? Are you serious???
T- yea..... are you okay?
S- I know you have been spilling secrets about me...
T- NO! Whoever told you that is a liar!!!
S- oh really? Well, who other than you knows about the time I ate bubble bath?
T-  Sasha. I didn't mean too it just blurted out of my mouth.
S- Don't talk to me, I trusted you with this and now everyone knows.
T- Sash?
T- come on Sasha.
I can't believe Sasha didn't believe me. Well I actually didn't just blurt it out I meant to say it. I want to get Sasha back for what she did to me. 3 years ago.

S-Sasha T- Tanya  A- Alex (Tanya's Ex)
T- Hey Babe.
A- hey!
S- did you want the pig feet in water or vinegar?
A- you eat pig feet? Nasty!!
T- no no no
S- no I eat pig feet... yummy yummy!
A- no we're done Tanya!
A- you know I am against pigs being hurt.
What to tell next.
Tweet- hey everyone did you know that Sasha Hembler says she eats her boogers??
Amy Hen- YUCK (Single_Sasha)
Trina688- Omg unfriended (Single_Sasha)
Brian_Dance128- NO YUCK BLEHK. Blocked (Single_Sasha)
Alex_Winters- guys it was probably when she was 3 so stop bullying her! (Single_Sasha)
Single_Sasha- Tanya_girl264 what the hell?
Tasha_girl264- (Alex_Winters) nope she did it a month ago! #EveryoneBlockandUnfollowSasha!
WHAT DID I DO TO TANYA! Now everyone in our school thinks I am booger eating freak. I don't even know  what to do anymore I'm shocked!
S- what the freaking hell?
T- remember what you did 3 years ago to me and Alex!
S- you know I didn't mean too!
T- but now your paying for it, He was the love of my life!
S- just stop!
T- no.
Hey guys, this is my first story so if it isn't that great don't hate!

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