So this is an interview with the writer Varzanic. Their stories are absolutely amazing and I seriously recommend them to anyone who reads LGBT, fantasy, werewolf, sci-fi or teen fiction. I was hooked within minutes of starting the first story.
Djordi: How old were you when you first started writing?
Varzanic: I was 12. I'm 26 now, so a super long time.
Djordi: What was the first story you ever published?
Varzanic: Varzana, it was an elf book, and then Evolution.
Djordi: What inspires you to write?
Varzanic: It's my escape from the world, and I spend way too much time in my head.
Djordi: What gave you the idea for the Elemental series? I've read them and I'm so amazed that someone could come up with something so good! Was it based on something you've seen before or was it completely made up with your imagination? All the names mentioned throughout the story (Zoran, Aedus, Taljinn, etc) did you make them up or are they based on something?
Varzanic: It's from a dream actually. It was about a Firebird that lived in a tower on a cliff and had to battle a fire demon to protect his village and the gods wouldn't help. I've made up all the books from there. I look in baby name list. Zoran means something fire related along with Masou and Aedus. The other gods are similar. Taljinn is a combination of fire and demon I believe, it might be heaven and demon, I can't remember.
Djordi: Why do you write LGBT stories instead of heterosexual?
Varzanic: I guess I write lgbt because I have more a connection with that genre. I've tried to do hetero, but it just never really appealed to me, and I just feel like I'm forcing myself to write something more main stream and it's just not me. :/
Djordi: When you create a character, what do you usually write first? For example, do you come up with their name, personality or appearance first?
Varzanic: I start with the name. (Baby name lists-nearly all my names mean something related to the story.) Then what they look like and then I figure out their personality, but before all of this I come up with the overall idea/theme and try and fit the character into it.
Djordi: Outside of Wattpad, what are some of your favourite authors? Do they influence your writing?
Varzanic: I'm pretty horrible. I don't read much anymore. I like the normal ones like JK Rowling and stuff, but I've kind of gone the manga route. A book with picture what is not to like!
Djordi: What hardships do you face when you write?
Varzanic: Mostly motivation, I have this weird cycle of self doubt. I start thinking I'm pretty good at writing and then I'll read a chapter and see all the errors and start to doubt myself. I also have a pretty short attention span. I get bored of a story and don't want to write. That's why I write more than one story at a time, so if I get bored with one I can switch to another.
Djordi: How long does it take you plan a story? Do you actually write a plan first?
Varzanic: I don't plan out a story fully. I know the overall theme. I usually have the beginning and end figure out and a few scenes in between, and I just work my way from the beginning to the end.
Djordi: From your own stories, which characters do you love best or relate to best?
Varzanic: My favourite characters to write are Fin, Aden, Zoran, and Darius. I relate to Raven and Gavin the most. I'm obvious and in my own little world just like Raven and stubborn like Gavin.
Djordi: So you've written so many stories and I'm still trying to get through them all. How long does it usually take you to write a story completely?
Varzanic: Demon took a month. Hell's Angel took me two, and River took me over a year. It just depends on how the story flows. But I can write them pretty quick if I focus and make myself do it.
Djordi: Do you ever want or hope to have your books published some day as paperback or are you happy with them just being online?
Varzanic: I'd like to get them published one day. But until then, I'm happy with just posting online.
Djordi: Thankyou for taking the time to answer my questions. I seriously love your stories! Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans out there?
Varzanic: To my readers, thank so much! I really appreciate all the support I've gotten over the years. You guys and gals are awesome.
Hope you enjoyed this interview guys and many thanks for Varzanic too :)
To check out Varzanic's stories, click here:
Wattpad Interviews
RandomA collection of interviews with some of your favourite Wattpad writers! [Interviews conducted by Djordi]