"Goodbye Natsu..."

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Erza- "What do you mean she died?"
Loke appeared and looked around with a worried look on his face. "Where is she?"
Natsu- "I couldn't save her! I failed her again and now she's dead!"
Loke then looked down and fell to his knees. "Lucy.... No. She can't be dead. If she was dead I wouldn't feel her magic energy at all."
Natsu looked up with hope in his eyes, Lucy wasn't dead. He could still save her. But he needed to open the portal to the Dragon Kingdom first.

A loud explosion was heard at the entrance of the guild, the figure of a girl could be seen through dust and smoke.
"Team Nastu, where are you?" Lucy walked towards the middle of the guild and looked at them.
"There you are."
Erza-"That's not Lucy. That's the demon. We can't let her near Team Natsu."
Natsu-"Don't hurt her, that's still Lucy."
Erza-" I'm sorry but that's not Lucy anymore, the demon is in control of her and we have to do whatever is necessary."
Everyone went and tried to take down Lucy.

Lucy's Pov.
After many failed attempts almost all members of Fairy Tail lay on the floor unconscious, they looked like they were on the verge of dying, which was probably true.
The guild is destroyed, just like when Shadow Keepers first attacked, only everyone is on the floor.
They all look dead.
Jellal tried to attack me from behind while Gray and Gajeel distracted me, but it was no use, I attacked them. They weren't strong enough.
"Stop! Don't hurt them!"
They need to pay
"Don't hurt them please! Stop!"
Erza is next to Jellal, he's in her arms... he's hurt badly, he might die; she looks at me, "This is all your fault!"
"Erza stop her please!"
Juvia hugs Gray's unconscious body and cries, "Gray-sama is going to die because of you!"
"Juvia stop Akuma please!"
Levy is far in the back,"Gajeel, please! Wake up!" His head lays over her lap, Lily is in his arms, they're both unconscious and hurt badly, Levy looks my way, "They're all hurt because of you! He's going to die! It's all your fault!"
"There's nothing I can do...."
I stand in the middle of the guild I'm hurt badly,battling Gray, Gajeel and Jellal along with everyone else not only tired me out but it left me with multiple injuries, I feel nothing though. If they were to kill me to stop Akuma I wouldn't feel a thing. I look behind me and see Natsu I grab him by the neck and pull him towards me. I look at him in the eyes. "You could've prevented all of this, if only you would've saved her in time."
"Natsu don't listen to her! Kill me! End it all. Please!"
This is like the dream I had. Everyone is still alive, I could heal them and everything will be fine. If only I could control my body.

"What ar-" her eyes are pitch black, she sees Natsu fall to the ground as he holds his stomach, there's blood everywhere, she stabbed him. "You let her get taken and killed, you preferred to turn her over to us instead of fighting and this is the price you'll pay for it." Her eyes turn hazel brown and her hair turns blonde. "I thought you said you loved me..." a single tear falls from Lucy's face as she takes her sword and points it towards his neck.
"Natsu! Please save everyone else. Kill Akuma even if it kills me as well!"
"Lucy please, this isn't you. I just did what you told me to do. I'm sorry!"
"It's too late Natsu."
"No it's not too late!"
"I told you not to use the takeover spell everyone did! You wouldn't listen! Lucy please! Wake up!"
"Goodnight Natsu..." Erza pounces on her in hopes of saving Natsu, only to be stabbed on her thigh. She falls to the floor and closes her eyes, "Lucy ple-" she's unconscious before she can finish talking. "Akuma stop! Don't hurt my friends!"
"Erza! Lucy stop thi-" Levy is hit by a dagger, it hits her leg and she yelps in pain. "Levy!" Juvia goes to help Levy only to be hurt with steam.
They both fall to the ground and Lucy walks away from Natsu and walks towards them. "Big mistake girls." She requips a sword, she lifts her hand and closes her eyes, she swings her sword around and when she opens them she sees a pile of ice where Juvia, Levy, Gray and Gajeel were. She looks to where Erza and Jellal were and sees that they're no longer there.
Lucy then walks up to Natsu again. He's still on the floor, she once again points the sword to his neck. "Any last words Salamander?"
"I love you Lucy." She lifts the sword and swings it towards him.
"Stop!" Lucy stops right before hurting Natsu. He stares into her eyes. "Lucy?"
"I don't think I can control her much longer Natsu. You need to defeat her, even if you have to kill me, save the others." She could barley speak loud enough for Natsu to hear her, a tear falls once again, "Luce, I can't do that. Try to control her please. You have to fight it." Lucy made her sword disappear and she put her hand over Natsu's injury, when she removed her hand his injury was completely healed.
"Stop!" Lucy gripped her head and fell to her knees. "Lucy! Fight it come on you can do it! Don't let her win!"
"Natsu you have to kill me."
"What? No I can't do that."
"Natsu please just do it. It's the only way to stop her."
"I can't, I can't loose you again Lucy please. I love you, you can't leave me like this."
"Natsu don't let her hurt the others, please do it for me..." Lucy looked at Natsu with tears in her eyes, sadness and pain was all she could feel. She doesn't want to die, but it is the only way to save everyone else, to save Natsu.
"Fine I'll do it...."
Natsu looked at Lucy in the eye as she requiped a sword and handed it to him.
"Natsu, I love you too. I'm sorry I didn't won't be able to be here much longer. Good bye Natsu..."

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