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Natsu takes the sword and stabs Lucy. She looks at him in the eyes once again, "Goodbye..." he watched how the sword disappears and Lucy falls to the ground.
Her long blonde hair covered in blood, her motionless body lays on the floor, a small object in her hand is seen. The bracelet her mother gave her, on her right hand her Fairy Tail insignia begins to glow. Her body slowly fades away. Natsu falls to his knees as he cries, he had to do it, there wasn't another way. He looks at the love of his life dead on the ground once again. The memory of future Lucy dying was terrifying, and now he had lost her again. What would he do now? She was everything to him, and now she was gone.
He looked at her and her body began to radiate light, and began to fade away.
There was no trace of her, just her mother's bracelet, Natsu picked it up and put it in his pocket.

Fairy Tail was destroyed and everyone returned after a couple hours. They came back and found Natsu on the floor crying, Lucy was no where to be found.
Erza-"Where's Lucy?"
Natsu let out a cry as he hit the floor. "She's gone! I killed her! She said it was the only way to do it and now she's gone forever."
The guild kept silent, they didn't think it would happen, they didn't want to believe it. Lucy was gone and they wouldn't be able to get her back.

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