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Henrys p.o.v

the next thing I new, was I woke up in the nurses office. I saw Charlotte was the only one in the room with me. she gasped once she realized I was awake. she headed towards the doors.

"guys! hes awake!" she yelled. I soon saw my nurse, ray and my mom come thew the door. once my mom saw me she look sympathetic. she sat at the edge of the bed and brushed my hair with her fingers. "omg sweetie! I can't believe this happened to you!" she said with sympathy. my nurse came up to us and said, "he will be find just some bad bruises and scratches, and as he see he has a pretty bad black eye. she said pointing to my eye making Charlotte, ray and my mom look at my eye which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. we all nodded and after the nurse left,  my mom came closer to me.

"honey, I feel really bad but you know I have to ground you....again!" she said not so sympathetic anymore.

"oh c'mon mom!" I said weakly.
"no I don't want to here it! I don't want you to get kicked out of college because of something stupid like this." she said leaving the room. now with ray and Charlotte in the room still. I really didn't want to talk to them right now. actually, I really don't want to talk to anyone right now. Charlotte sat at the edge of my bed and the room was silent.

Henry....what happened kid? I told you to only use your powers when your kid danger." he said the last part low.  "I know ray...I guess....I just wanted to show jason that I'm just as tuff as he was....I guess even as henry hart I'm not...." I said looking down. ray and Charlotte looked at eachother in sorrow. suddenly I got really angry at myself and them...
"look, I just wanted to say...." ray started but my anger took over...

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME IT WAS TEMPORARY!!" I screamed. I made ray and Charlotte jump at my volume. my lip was swollen so it hurt to yell loud. ray and Charlotte was shocked.

"kid, I was going to but..."
"WHEN!!! AFTER I COULD OF DIED!!" I yelled again. I think I was pushing it to much!
"THAT'S ENOUGH KID, I'M SICK OF THIS ATTITUDE OF YOURS. IT NEEDS TO STOP!!" he yelled the same volume as me.


"what are you talking about!??!!" he asked but in a lower volume.

"WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I WAS SUFFERING ALL THOSE YEARS!!!???" I screamed. I mean I was being pick on all my life, it was like he didn't exsist to me.

"kid...please just listen to me!!!?" he said.
"NO.....sometimes I wish captain man doesn't exist, sometimes I wish I was never kid danger....and sometimes I wish you weren't in my life!!!!!" I yelled. ray and Charlotte look at me in a hurt way, especially ray. he had tears in his eyes... and so did I....

".....why don't you say it again, maybe it will happen....." he said with a shaky voice.

" I wish non of this exist!!!" I yelled breathing intensely.
"fine.....YOU GOT YOUR WISH!!" ray yelled charging toward the door and slamming it.
I forgot that Charlotte was in the room. she stood there shocked and scared to talk to me.

she went closer to me and said..."who are you...." with tears in her eyes. "what do you mean?.." I said out of breath because off all the yelling. "your not the Henry hart that I was friends with since elementary school. that henry was much more nicer and cares about people feelings. unlike this Henry." she said walking toward the door.

"sometimes I wish the world just new that kid danger was henry hart! my life world be a whole lot easier...." I exclaimed.

"so what are you gonna do about it?..." Charlotte said standing by the door. "what do you think I should do!!!???"
"sorry but I'm not kid danger!! its for you to decide." she said before leaving. I was once alone now. I layed back down with a groan of frustration with my hands over my face.

Charlottes right, I have been acting like a jerk recently. I guess I should do what I feel is...right.

sorry about this really short Chapter....but OMG SO MUCH DRAMA!! lets see what Henry decides to do! tune in for more.

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