Chapter Five: Running

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I let out a cry to stop them, but he was gone, his life leaving his body for the second time.

Is there a second Heaven, for people who die in the first one? I wondered stupidly.

But no, deep inside me, I knew he was gone-erased. There was no more of him, only his body, which was being burned to a crisp as I stood in the same spot, still unable to move.

They... They sacrificed him, my mind told me.

But why? the other half of me asked.

"Stop!" I screamed suddenly, running at a man standing before the feet of Jesus. He had a book in his hands, and he was wearing the robes of a priest as he abruptly stopped reading from it and looked up to see me.

"Who dares challenge the right of the Priest of Borderline during a cleansing ritual?" he demanded as I came to a halt in from of him.

"I am Eve, child of God, and I am here to stop this insanity!" I screamed hysterically.

They won't listen to you, you sound like a looney. Calm down, Eve, I told myself. I took a deep breath as the priest eyed me, analyzing my posture. I wasn't much, really; he was taller than me. But if Shawn and Dillon were behind me and backing me up, like I thought they were, I had to have at least some intimidation to my advantage.

"You claim to be a daughter of The Lord, yet you have no proof. Begone now, else you will be the next cleansing sacrifice," he said boredly, dismissing me with a wave of his hand.

"Now you listen here, you freaking lunatic-" I began, but Shawn's calming hand on my shoulder stopped me.

I turned back to glance at her, the full attention of the crowd now on me. Everybody fell silent as she shook her head and pulled me back. Dillon grabbed my upper arm, leading me away from the priest. I threw out my hands, trying to get out of his grip.

His hands gripped my wrists and pinned them behind my back, pulling me away and restraining me entirely. Shawn looked at the other villagers, meeting each of their eyes briefly.

"You don't need to do this," she stated simply before turning and leading Dillon and I away, Dillon's hands still holding me back from attacking this so-called "priest."

"And just where do you think you're going, children?" the priest called before we made it out of the circle.

"Away, to save you imbeciles from yourselves," I spat over my shoulder. I couldn't help it, my anger was taking control of me.

"Eve," Dillon warned, all traces of his bitterness towards me gone. I shouldered my way out of his grip, spinning around and walking back to stand in front of the priest.

His eyes surveyed me once more, this time in disgust. "You speak lies, spawn of Satan," he proclaimed, spitting at my feet. I gasped in rage and felt a tug in my gut, but stronger than the tug I'd gotten when I have Shawn and Dillon back their memories. It was fueled by hatred and outrage, this time.

"Don't you dare call me that," I snarled and drew a fist back. The priest's eyes widened and he fell back as my knuckles made contact with his stomach, an explosion of light blasting him onto his butt.

I stared at my fist in shock. I did that? It had to be part of the powers, because it was the same light, but did it give him his memory back, too?

My question was answered when he stood up, his eyes still blazing with determination. He glared at me and brushed off his robes, straightening them and picking up his fallen book.

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