Asgard VS Jotenhiem

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  Jotenhiem is one of the nine realms and also an enemy of Asgard. It is an icy land and there people are frost giants. They are very powerful people. They truly did battle the Asgardians the most. One of the reasons were for the Asgardians stole something very valuable and powerful from the frost giants.

  Over the years though, Latoria lived with the frost giants, she was always in her Joten form, which included her long black hair and fur clothing like a skirt and crop top. She wasn't aware of part of her.

   But one day a few Asgardians attacked Jotenhiem, three warriors, a lady warrior and the princes of Asgard. She of course helped fight them off. As she was fighting one warrior, she looked over for second at another frost giant fighting one of the warriors. The frost giant had grabbed the warrior's hand and began burning him but the warrior stabbed the giant before the giant could do any mote her. She had already knew that frost giants were capable of those things but then she saw a prince with black hair and green clothing being attacked but when the frost giant tried to burn his skin, she had realized that it didn't effect him like it did with the others. His skin was turning blue like the rest of the frost giants. To Latoria it seemed as if he was now one of the frost giants.

  After a few more seconds of fighting, the frost giants decided to bring out a frost creature. The Asgardians were about to be destroyed until another prince with a hammer killed the creature. The frost giants had them surrounded though but Odin, the king of Asgard showed up. Laufey went up to him and was about to kill him until he slung Laufey across the land and then transported the princes and warriors back to Asgard. But the frost giant princess was still curious about the black haired prince. To figure things out Latoria went to her father to get an answer.

     She ran through the icy palace barefooted for no frost giant wore shoes. She went straight to her father which he was sitting on his throne​. "Father, I need to speak to you."she demanded. Laufey then gestured for her to stand in front of him. "What is it?"he asked. "Why did the Asgardians attack?" she asked. "Their foolish prince came for revenge which as you see, ended badly,"he said. "Yes but one of the princes were very odd,"Latoria explained. "All Asgardians are odd,"he replied. "Again I know but when one of our men tried burning his skin, his skin was turning blue like ours,"she explained. "You probably only saw it out of focus."he assured her. "I do not believe so,"she stated. "An Asgardian can not be one of us,"his voice got strict. Latoria glared at her father for a few seconds but then walked away heading towards her room. From that day, she's always wondered about the prince.

   As a few weeks, past she had heard of an Asgardian helping the frost giants to attack to steal the casket of ancient winters. She had stayed in Jotenhiem when Laufey broke into Asgard and stole it but they did not succeed and arrived back home.

   A few days past and Laufey had gotten a visitor. Latoria eavesdropped on the visit. That day she went to talk to her father but stopped as she saw the black haired prince walk in. She was surprised that he was there. But as she listened to their conversation she had figured out that he was the one who helped them get into Asgard.

   The prince then made another deal with Laufey saying that he would help him re-enter Asgard and allow Laufey to kill Odin. Laufey took the deal and the next day they arrived in Asgard. Latoria had heard everything that happened the next day. Laufey had been so close to killing Odin but the prince stopped him and later someone had killed Laufey. Latoria had loved her father so she had planned to avenge his death. She took over as the new ruler of Jotenhiem.

   Latoria walked over to her father's throne and said"The Asgardians will pay for what they've done, Odin will pay." She was truly determined to avenge his death. Latoria laughed while she relaxed in her new throne. "Soon the Asgardians will be bowing down to us and fearing us!"she shouted out into the icy land to the frost giants.

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