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   "Loki! Loki! Sweety!Where are you?!,"the mother yelled out for her son while holding her other child. She ran across the icy floors, worried that something had happened to her son. "Son!"she yelled out again. She continued to run through the cold palace that was now only a room with a big opening.

   As she was calling out for him, not knowing that her son was no longer in the destroyed palace. Her son was already being carried out of the palace and across the icy land and being brought to the realm of Asgard.

    The frost giant mother then stopped searching when she had found the frost giant that was supposed to be holding her son, dead. After seeing a horrid sight she ran into a little child's room and placed the daughter down in a baby carriage made out of string. The frost giant left her child, knowing she would be safe since the Asgardians were leaving now. As she headed outward to try to stop the Asgardians to get her child back, she was stopped by an Asgard warrior who stabbed her in the back with a sword.

The Golden Horns Within(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now