Chapter 2

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"WWWWHHHHHHAAAAAATTTTTT?!" Percy's face was beat red, his body tense in Nico's embrace.

"Oh shit." Nico let go and scooted away from him. "Percy, I-I-I didn't-"

"Nico Di Angelo," Percy looked at him with a look that didn't make sense to Nico at all. "why didn't you tell me you were gay!?"

Nico groaned. " You think I would tell you this? You're doing exactly what I thought you would when you find out!" Nico refused to make eye contact with his best friend, a part of his heart dying slowly making him feel like a hallowed out log... or someone had shot him in the chest. Either worked. " I didn't want that to get in the way of us being friends-"

"Dude!" Percy took Nico's face in both of his hands, forcing him to look at him. To Nico's surprise, he was smiling."You should have shared this." Percy leaned a little closer to the younger man, that weird look in his eyes softening and forming into something else that Nico didn't recognize. " Cause, I would have done this a long time ago."

Nico blinked. "Do-" Percy leaned in and kissed Nico on the mouth, catching Nico off guard. He tensed, but as Percy slowly kissed Nico, the young man relaxed into this rhythm Percy was setting up. Nico's mind slowly blurred as he sunk into the kiss deeper, pulling Percy closer to him and slipping his hands into Percy's long flowing hair as the sunk deeper into each other's kiss.

"I KNEW IT!" Nico broke the kiss, suddenly on alert, looking up at the door that Percy had left open. In the doorway was a burnett haired daughter of Aphrodite, grinning so wide she looked like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. "I KNEW IT!"

Percy, now completely red in the face from blushing, stared at her in shock. "Why are you out of your cabin? Its midnight for christ sake! You're breaking curfew!"

"Actually it's one o'clock in the morning, and you to have making out for almost twenty minutes now." She squealed horribly, jumping up and down like a fangirl at a anime convention or a teen pop concert. It was kinda scary how much energy she was exerting, or at least it was scary to the son of Hades. " And I couldn't sleep! The Hermes kids put a 5-hour energy thing in my drink so I'm wired! I just got done with this fanfiction I wrote about you two and I was coming back when I walked by the door and-"

"Sheesh, kid, do you ever take a breath?" Nico said in an annoyed tone. He didn't like this interruption one bit. "And what do you mean a 'fan fiction' about us?"

Percy, already knowing what it was, tried to cover his mouth before he asked, but it was too late. The little Aphrodite girl only grinned wider.

"I can show you!" Pulling out a journal, she thrust it into Nico's hands and sat on the bed between them, giddy and happy and not shutting up. "It's only a rough draft, but I usually retype them so much better and-"

As Percy suffered through the girl's yammering, Nico tuned her out and started reading. It was short, sweet, and rated R. Maybe a little higher than R, but it was enough to make Nico want to faint from over exposure. He had to stop reading a few times to actually remember to breath. by the time he was done, his face was beat red, he was breathing heavy, and he had a nosebleed.

"Have you been taking lessons on writing from the author of Fifty Shades of Grey?" He said sarcastically, giving it back to the girl. " That was like a porno in book form!"

"Yeah! But I liked writing the details on Percy's body during that one scene-"

"The sex scene or the strip?" Nico asked without thinking.

"Hu?!" Percy squeaked, blushing a little. "Sex scene?"

"Yeah! Nico got top this time!" The burnet said gleefully.

"Uh... hu.." Nico said. He was now very VERY terrified of this girl. "Now, can you go back to your cabin and be a good little girl? Before we make you train with your mentor extra?"

"Oh! Yeah!" She got up and bolted for the door at a top run, skipping a little. "Wait till the girls hear this!"

"Percy stopped her. "No." He said sternly. "This is a secret, ok? We want to tell everyone."

The girl nodded. "OK!" Then, like a flash of lightning, she was gone.

Percy looked at Nico, concerned. "Hey, you ok?"

"No!" He blurted out a little sharper than intended. "That girl is only, what, thirteen? fourteen? And she wrote a sex story about us! And I was on top!" He laid back on the bed, trying to stop his nose from bleeding. "I swear, if that's a rough draft, then I'm scared for the final project."

Percy laughed a little, walking back to the bed slowly. "Well, it could have been worse."

"How worse?" Nico asked, tasting the blood on the back of his throat as the nosebleed started to stop. Then he realized he shouldn't have asked.

"Well," Percy said as he stood over the King of Ghosts, a smile on his face. "She could have walked in on both of us doing a enactment of her best story." Nico looked up at him, his face blushing redder than when he read the girl's story.

"Uh, you're not thinking of actually-" Percy cut him off, getting on top of the laying demigod and kissing him patiently. This time, Percy made sure the door was closed before doing anything. Nico melted like butter under Percy's heated kisses.

And as the darkness laid it's vail over them, time seemed to blend into a array of nothingness. The world seemed to move slower, stopping all together, as the two demigods were enveloped in each other's love. By morning, the two had fallen asleep in each other's arm under the black silk sheets and were not seen until lunch time. And, for some reason, no one seemed to know. Except that one thirteen year old at the Aphrodite table, smiling like a girl who knew a secret.

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