Chapter 1: Lays Chips

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Jalia McCoy stared at her sister eating her slice of pizza. She couldn't figure out how it was possible her sister thought she had the audacity to eat her slice. Nothing came in the way between Jalia and her food. To teach her sister, Daria, a lesson, Jalia shook paprika on the slice of pizza as she was about to take a big bite. Her sister shot up from her seat heaving and spluttering out "how dare you" while going to the fridge to get some juice.

Her phone beeped with a message. It was her soccer coach saying practice was officially cancelled tomorrow but if they wanted to practice on their own, they could. She immediately called her best friend, Silvia, who just happened to be the captain of their soccer team.

"Did you see coach's message? That was a dumb question, of course you did. Can we practice anyways?" Jalia rapidly spoke.

"Of course Jalia! I was thinking we should anyways. We only have one week to train before our match with the Tigers. I'm sending a group message now," Silvia replied.

"Got it, I'll see you tomorrow! Want me to pick you up tomorrow?"

"Sure, 7 o'clock, don't be late! I'll see you tomorrow."  

"Alright, night," Jalia said and hung up. She looked up to see her sister had finally calmed down.

"Not cool Jalia, not cool," Daria said then walked out of the dining room to the living room.

"I'm sorry," Jalia called out laughing.

"Oh, definitely," Daria yelled back.

Jalia chuckled and then went in search for her soccer ball. There were two things she loved the most, eating and playing soccer.

Jalia walked out of the house, soccer in tow, towards the park not far from her house. She could skateboard today, but instead, she walked to take in the scenery. She noticed how the color of nature was so vibrant today. It was partially because it rained two days ago. Her little town, Bethesda, in Montgomery County, Maryland was a suburban area. Her house was not too far from the train station, but she would be lying if she said the houses in her neighborhood weren't spaced out.

She didn't mind the walk. Her grandmother was always taking her out for a walk around the neighborhood. Bethesda was one of those nice neighborhoods with a view you liked to run in. You could push through the pain because the trees blossomed ever so beautifully. The benches along the sidewalk every so often would give you the opportunity to sit and bask in nature. And the park she was going to had everything. It had a lake, a playground, botanic garden, tennis courts and many sports fields. It was a recreational project that the new Mayor put in place. It benefited everyone, and the community needed this place.

Jalia arrived at the park's entrance and sighed in content. She started dribbling the ball in between the miniature statues along the walkway. Once she got to the fork of the walkway, she ventured right, getting closer to her destination. Along the way, she spotted her favorite sandwich shop, “Brown Bag”. Unable to resist the urge to eat her favorite tuna sandwich from there, she entered with a grin.

“Hola Jalia,” her favorite barista, Sam, greeted her.

“Bonjour Sam,” she replied back.

“The usual, tuna on honey-wheat bread or are we being adventurous today?”

“Let’s go with the usual,” Jalia replied back and got her favorite Lays chips, original.

“Gotcha. So I heard your team is up against the Tigers next. I better hear the score is 3-0 or better,” Sam said giving Jalia a grin as she prepared the sandwich.

“Of course, the Cobras need to beat the Tigers at all costs. Our prize is at stake,” Jalia got serious.

“How could I forget, you’ve been bragging to me how your team is going to ‘win free groceries for a year’ the past two months,” Sam said ringing up the sandwich.

“Hey, nothing comes in between me and my food,” Jalia replied with a smirk.

“Don’t I know it,” Sam grinned as Jalia paid for her meal.

“Well, I’ll catch you later Sam,” Jalia started walking away.   

“Alright, see you,” Sam waved as Jalia exited the shop.

Jalia walked out of the shop whistling and smiling all around. She had her favorite sandwich, wild tuna with olive oil. It was a simple yet delightful sandwich, the only sandwich in which she didn’t put many fixings nor condiments on. She dribbled the soccer ball and did a couple of tricks such as around-the-world until she arrived at a bench near the soccer field. She plopped down before digging into her sandwich. When she was done with her sandwich and about to start going in on her chips, a boy snatched it up. Immediately Jalia saw red, no one was going to steal her food. Before she could act on her instinct and fight the dude for her chips, the guy spoke and she recognized him. He was the captain of the Vipers, the strongest opponent the Cobras faces every year. In short, their long time rivals.

“What do you say, we play one-on-one for your chips,” Randy smirked.

“I don’t have to play you at all, those are my chips. Hand it back before I do something we both regret,” Jalia stated with venom dripping from each word. The irony.

“Scared aren’t we? I guess you should give up now. My team is going to win. It’s a good thing I love to cook. Just imagine all of the groceries-” Randy was interrupted by Jalia as she held her hand up to stop his rant.

“Ok, fine! Bring it on since you want to play it the hard way. I’m going to stretch, beat you in this mini game, and then you’re going to have to give me a $20 for food. You know, to make up for stealing my food in the first place. And then you will realize that not only you shouldn’t get in between me and food, but you shouldn’t underestimate me in soccer,” Jalia walked up to Randy who was in shock and snatched her chips away from his hands before he could process everything.

Randy blinked and then slowly grinned.

“Sounds interesting, game on.”

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