Chapter 2: Popcorn Is Love

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Jalia placed the soccer ball in the middle of the field. Her light brown eyes met Randy's dark brown eyes daring him to taunt her. Both players had their game faces on.

"My turf, my whistle," Randy said bringing out a whistle from under his shirt.

"Not your turf. It's my turf actually. But since you're the one with a real whistle, go ahead. Use any leverage you need in order to beat me," Jalia smirked back.

Randy rolled his eyes and proceeded to whistle.

Jalia took control of the game from the start as she took possession of the ball. She then flicked the ball outside of her foot and played the ball inside of her foot past Randy, dribbling toward the net. He sprinted after her and stole the ball with his left foot.

"Lefty, huh?" Jalia sounded interested.

"Ambidextrous really," Randy smirked back. But it was quickly replaced with a frown when Jalia tapped the ball and moved it in a way to fly it over his head. He wasn't expecting that. Jalia sprinted after it and regained possession of the ball. Randy had to chase after her and slide a little out to get the soccer ball out of her control.

This must have went on and on. Each panting by the 88th minute according to Randy's watch. At the moment, Randy had possession of the ball. Their breathing slowed down and began to steady.

"You're doing this for the sake of defending the honor of your chips! Lays shall get their vengeance!" Jalia thought. Out loud, she asked, "Ready?"

Randy grinned, "I was born slow. But that never stopped me from becoming awesome."

Jalia laughed and then tried to kick the ball out from under Randy. However, he quickly switched it to his left foot to his right heel and kicked it in between her legs. She twirled around, tapped the ball on her foot and kicked it backwards away from him. She sprinted with the ball in tow, racing to get to the net.

She aimed when she was 15 yards from the net. Goaaaaaaaal! Randy's watch beeped letting them know the 90th minute was up. 1-0 was the final score.

Randy and Jalia were huffing and puffing, hands on their knees as they caught their breath.

"Good game, but I let you have that," Randy shrugged his shoulders.

Jalia squinted her eyes at him, "Oh really now? Doesn't matter. You still owe me $20. Looks like today's not your day."

Randy looked at her with a slight frown.

"Fine," he sighed, "I'll treat you out to dinner. I don't have any cash on me."

She looked at him with a frown, "No. I'd rather you just give me the $20 between our schools tomorrow."

He nodded his head in agreement.

The two parted separate ways and went home after the agreement.

Jalia walked in the house almost bumping into her mother.

"Hey sweetie, how was practice," her mom asked her on her way out the door.

"Mom, I told not to call me that anymore. I'm almost an adult."

Her mother just laughed, "I know sweetie. But you're still my baby girl. Anyways, lasagna is in the fridge if you're hungry. I'll be late again tonight but it doesn't mean you get to sneak out. I'll catch you anyways," she winked and then started for her car.

"Ciao," Jalia waved after her mother before beginning to close the door.

"Wait, I'm going with your mother," her father called out rushing out the door.

"Bye Jalia, tell Daria we're out the door," her father yelled as he was getting in the passenger seat.

Jalia officially closed the door and headed for upstairs to her sister. She walked through the living room and cut to the hallway that lead to the staircase leading towards the second floor. She ran up the stairs and busted into Daria's room.

"The rents aren't home," Jalia informed Daria.

"Really? Well I'm bringing over my boyfriend then."

Jalia rolled her eyes and then went to her room to lay on the bed with her laptop open and an open jar of animal crackers right beside her.

30 minutes later she heard the doorbell ring.

"Daria! You're boyfriend is home," Jalia yelled.

Daria rushed down and opened the door. Jalia could hear multiple voices in the background. Eventually she heard footsteps run up the stairs and into Daria's room, with one remaining pair of feet approaching Jalia's room. Jalia sat up right as Silvia bounced in her room.

"What a pleasant surprise! I didn't know you were coming over," Jalia said in a mockingly proper tone.

"Well love, I just had to see you," Silvia said in a fake Australian accent.

"You were over your cousin's house?" Jalia asked dropping the proper tone.

"Yeah, and when Daria asked Jake if he could come over. I just had to tag along to see you," Silvia replied with a shrug.

"Cool! Well then... do I have news for you," Jalia grinned sitting on her bed patting a space beside her for Silvia to sit on. Silvia sat next to Jalia with anticipation.

"I had a soccer match with Randy," Jalia started.

"The captain of the Vipers?"

"The same one girl! And I beat him 1-0. He now owes me $20 because he lost the bet." she said.

"Now that's what I like to hear! So now tell me, did he get hotter over the summer?" Silvia wiggled her eyebrows.


"Fine. Well, you owe me popcorn then."

"You're the only person who can have some from my stash. You're lucky I love you."

"What? Are you serious? You're really letting me have some? Are you in love? Did Randy do something to you?" Silvia put her hand on Jalia's forehead to check her temperature.

Jalia swatted Silvia's hand away.

"Oh hush! Get some before I change my mind. I'm in a good mood since I beat Randy."

"So it is because of Randy."

There was always that one friend that was always trying to play cupid.

Silvia and Jalia talked until it was 1 am in the morning. By then her cousin decided that they should head home. Jalia planned out some attack moves for Silvia to practice the next practice. They were both excited for tomorrow and couldn't wait for the day to come quick enough.

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