Guang Hong Ji and Leo de la Iglesia I- Allies

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Guang Hong’s POV

I was walking through the streets in the dead of night. Something, or someone was watching me. I could feel it.
I jumped back, panicking from the gunshot. I took off, sprinting.
Another shot from behind.
I stopped, drawing my sword. I had to face whatever this was.
I stayed in place, uneasily shifting my position every so often. Around me was all blackness, the only bit of light was from the dull glow of the dying streetlamps.
“It's been awhile, Guang Hong.” I turned, seeing a figure emerse from the dark. I recognised his voice. “L-leo?” I stuttered, finally able to see the face of my best friend, and ally. “Yes. Now shh. He's near.” Leo put his finger on my lips, which sent shivers down my spine. I shook it off, trying to forget about his touch, but my lips still tingled where he touched me.

Leo de la Iglesia. What a guy…
I have always loved him. We've been together, fighting, since we were younger. Well, that was until he left me five years ago.


“Guang Hong, I have to go. I'm so sorry.” Leo said, taking my hand. “My parents were captured, and killed. I have to take care of my little brother. I'm all that he has left.” I teared up, hugging Leo as tight as I could. “I'm so sorry.” I whispered into his chest. I could hear him crying. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him with so, so much passion. Leo wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me as close to him as possible.
As we broke the kiss, Leo took my chin,making me look up at him. “Promise me one thing Guang,” He started, “Please be safe, and don't worry about me.” I nodded. “And you promise me something,” I began, “Promise me that you'll come back some day.” Leo kissed me again, gently. “I promise. But now, I must go. I love you Guang Hong Ji. Remember that.” Leo ran off, and I watched until he disappeared into the night.

(Flashback over)

“What are you doing back here?” I asked, still in shock. “I promised that I'd be back, didn't I?” I blushed furiously,  nodding my head. “There's something that I wanted to give you as well…” Leo took my head in his hands and kissed me. It brought back a flood of memories. This kiss was full of love and all of the pain that overcame us as we were away from each other. “Thank you for that.” I said into his lips. “I missed you so much. But, we've got a job to do.” He took a knife from his pocket, and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of open area.
There it went again. “I know you're out there Leo.” I heard faintly. The voice was low and grungy. “Leo, we've captured you parents, now we just need you.” The voice sounded even more evil this time. I looked up at Leo who was deep in thought, trying to figure out what to do. “Guang, I, we have to kill him.” “Who is he?” “My uncle. He always had something against my dad… Let's not worry about that.” Leo whispered. “What do we-”
“RUN!” Leo yelled.
We ran, being chased by gunshots, and obviously more than one person.
“You can't run forever!” It was a different voice this time.
I saw Leo stop in front of me, “What? D-Dad?” His voice was shaky.
“LEO COME ON!” I grabbed his hand, making him continue.
Leo fell to the ground. I stopped, turning to see his foot, outlined in a puddle of blood. “Leo!” I tried picking him up, but it was no use. He couldn't continue.
“Now I've got you…” It was the first voice again.
“Hasta la Vista, Leo.” The gun was cocked, and the triggered was about to be pulled.
“NO!” I yelled jumping in front of the one I loved just as the gun went off.
Leo threw his knife, hitting the man in the heart.
He began crying, and caressed my cheek. “Why would you do this?” I could barely hear any words. “I love you.” I mouthed, touching Leo's cheek.
Leo, my love, kissed me, and that was the last thing I saw before my world faded into blackness...

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